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你说女孩子腿劈得太早?You said the girls legs Pide too early?

中国的贫富差距是最为明显的。The greatest pide of rich-poor is in China.

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迅即而下的斧头,劈得他颅骨开裂,却没有血液流出。Quickly down the ax, Pide cracking his skull, but no blood flow.

父亲让男孩和他弟弟分糖吃。The father asked his son to pide candy with his younger brother.

我们的皮肤和肌肉里的细胞分裂在夜间比在白天要多。More of the cells in our skin and muscles pide during the night hours than during the day.

像薄脆饼、圆盘状烤饼都是很好吃的中东面包类食品。Breads like lavash, naan, and pide are all different and wonderful varieties of Middle Eastern breads.

按照集体目的的差异,合谋可以分为相容合谋与相斥合谋。According to different target, we can pide collusion into consistent collusion and disaccord collusion.

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一旦时机成熟,所有非洲国家都会因为穆斯林——基督教的对立而分裂,尼日利亚就是一个范例。All the African countries with a large Muslim-Christian pide seem ripe to split up someday. Nigeria seems a good example.

同时,商业空间成为基于符码体系的消费“场域”,它以特有的空间设计、隐喻,实现阶级分野,区隔社会阶层、审美品位及生活方式。With the design and metaphor, they pide people into several cultural groups, classes of different aesthetic taste or life styles.

学生群体分正式群体和非正式群体,其中非正式群体在学生发展中具有特殊意义。The student groups pide into formal and informal groups, and the latter play a special role in the course of the students growing.

本文提出了一种将任意多面体剖分为四面体的算法,给出了算法理论基础的证明、算法具体实现步骤及所用数据结构。This paper proposes an algorithm to pide an arbitrary polyhedron to tetrahedrons and gives its theoretical basis, data type and implementation.

给出一种求解超平面以几何分割训练点的新方法,不仅相应地构造了隐层神经网络,而且使得只需再构造一个输出层网络便可实现训练样本所描述的映射。The algorithm employs a new method to compute hyper planes to pide the training points into distinct areas so that the hidden layer of neural networks is correspondingly constructed.