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她是个纯真的乡村姑娘。She's an ingenuous country girl.

作为一名记者,他太老实了。He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter.

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他太天真,轻信别人的话。He is too ingenuous in believing what people say.

她太天真,轻信别人的话。She is too ingenuous in believing what others say.

是他率直的微笑赢得了黛博拉的芳心。It was his ingenuous smile that won Deborah's heart.

他以自己的率真迷住了观众。With ingenuous sincerity, he captivated his audience.

布伦特那张老实巴交的宽脸上呈现迷惑神情。Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.

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她心底坦然回答了这位陌生人的全部询问。She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers' entire question.

她诚实地回答了所有陌生人提出的问题。She gave ingenuous answers to all of the strangers' questions.

如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了。It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision.

天真的人从来不会怀疑他人告诉他的话。The ingenuous person had never thought of being suspicious of what others told him.

他认为,她知道怎样照顾自己,这方面的能力远远超出了天真的梅的想象。He had an idea that she knew how to take care of herself a good deal better than the ingenuous May imagined.

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在Newell眼里,1994年是意大利迈向正常化的开端,而在那一年我恰好认定任何关于“常态”的讨论都是天真的。The date he cites as a step toward normalization, 1994, marks the moment when I decided that all talk of normality was ingenuous.

似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish.

哎呀,结核病晚期通常远远不像这些天真的年轻结核势利者想像得那么浪漫。Alas, the final stages of the consumptive fading are generally a good deal less romantic than these ingenuous young tubercle- snobs seem to imagine.

倡“直言”去“巧言”最终要靠发展生产力,建设高度文明的社会。Choosing "ingenuous speech" while discarding "cunning speech" depends on developing the social productivity and constructing the highly civilized society.

无论如何,我想你会同意我的诺基亚N900可能是最天真的,强大的软件和硬件,诺基亚有史以来最大的组合。Anyway, I guess most fo you will agree with me that Nokia N900 is probably the most ingenuous and powerful combination of software and hardware that Nokia has ever created.

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此外,本书包装结构精巧独特,造型古朴典雅,更使本书成为集阅读、欣赏和珍藏于一体的珍贵艺术品。In addition, this book packaging ingenuous structure is unique, modelling xianlinghe set to become, the more make this book reading, appreciation and collection in one of the rare art.