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布丽特,好的,还有谁?Britt. Okay. Who else?

“现在有太多人类居住地没有乾净水了,”布瑞特写道。"We now have too many people living in places where we don't have fresh water, " Britt said.

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在电影中,罗根饰演身价不斐的大少爷,雷布利,然而当他的父亲过世之后,他改变了行事风格。In the film, Rogen plays Britt Reid, a millionaire playboy who decides to change his ways when his father dies.

当雷利听到杰伊•伯吉斯令人震惊的死亡消息和布丽特•雪莱声称她不记得与杰伊在一起的那晚情形时,情况有所变化。That changes when he learns of Jay Burgess's shocking death and Britt Shelley's claim that she has no memory of her night with him.

当雷利听到杰伊•伯吉斯令人震惊的死亡消息和布丽特•雪莱声称她不记得与杰伊在一起的那晚情形时,情况有所变化。That changes when he learns of Jay Burgess’s shocking death and Britt Shelley’s claim that she has no memory of her night with him.

方法用水醇法从紫菀和远志中提取紫菀皂甙及远志皂甙。Methods The trierpenoidal Saponins were distilled from root of Thnleaf milknort and Prilla frutescens britt by water alcohol method.

五年前,杰的毕生好友雷利同样也在醒来后缔造身边多了一具尸体。Five years later, Britt wakes up next to the dead body of one of the detectives involved in the story, not remembering a thing that happened.

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当布里特回到他继承的报纸公司时,他发现这个被人们称为“青蜂侠”的人的新闻充斥着整个头版。Back at the newspaper he has inherited, Britt takes pains to ensure that the escalating antics of the newly dubbed "Green Hornet" remain front-page news.

在婴孩麦克的第一年,肯尼迪当选为总统同时山米·戴维斯和著名瑞典女演员梅·布里特的婚礼使整个国家为之震惊。By baby Michael's first year, John Kennedy was elected president and Sammy Davis Jr shocked the nation by marrying the famously blonde Swedish actress May Britt.

我知道为什么人们会担忧,如果一个人在线上进行了快速捐赠,并且除此之外什么都没有做,这就是懒汉行动主义。“I can see why people are concerned that if a person makes a quick online donation, and does nothing else, it is slacktivism,” said Britt Bravo, author of the Have Fun, Do Good blog.

随着雷利和布丽特对那悲惨的一天所发生的事情了解越多,他们的处境就越危险。于是,他们一边追查真相,一边逃命。As Raley and Britt discover more about what happened that fateful day, the more perilous their situation becomes, until they're not only chasing after the truth but running for their lives.