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将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。Fill kill and choke calves with seawater.

将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。Fill kill and choke valves with seawater.

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用酸碱度计量度水样本的酸碱值。Measure pH of the seawater by a pH meter.

海水深千尺,不如我爱你。Seawater thousand feet deep, as I love you.

中华人民共和国海水水质标准。Criteria of Seawater Quality of the P. C. C.

他们的答案是把海水喷到云层上。Their answer is to spray them with seawater.

你能从一千立方米海水中得到这么多。You get that out of 1 cubic kilometer of seawater.

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从经济方面说,决定用海水漫灌是很艰难的。Economically, it is tough to decide to use seawater.

海水是否由非禁止区域抽取?Is the seawater abstracted from non-prohibited area?

溴的主要来源是海水和盐床。It is obtained from seawater and brines or salt beds.

在溶液和不能溶解的固体间交换离子的过程。Seawater is pure water plus dissolved solids and gases.

该科学家改善了脱去海水盐分的方法。The scientist perfected a method of desalting seawater.

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他们沿海岸筑起一道堤坝以拦住海水。They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.

涨潮时,海水伸到我们的住宅周围。When the tide rises, the seawater reaches around our house.

与海水相比,原生水要重一些,是盐水。Connate water can be dense and saline compared with seawater.

被海水包围的海神庙令人难以接近。The sea surrounded by seawater temple is difficult to access.

蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava.

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蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava2.

无论如何,海水对雷达波的反射性都不如金属。Seawater is in any case less reflective of radar waves than metal.

亚龙湾的沙滩和海水是世界最棒的。The beach and the seawater of Yalong Bay is the best in the world.