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像荒山里无人问津的拙玉Like crude jade undiscovered on a barren hill

公开的档案也包括从未公开的隐情。The public archives, too, contain undiscovered stories.

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老年大学是藏龙卧虎的地方。The college for the seniors is a home for undiscovered talents.

已找出新错误的测试样本才是成功的测试样本。A successful test case is one that detects an as-yet undiscovered error.

他预测这个还未被发现的元素的,氧化物的密度。And he predicts the density of the oxide of the yet undiscovered element.

分享一下我们在新疆哈巴河县拍节目过程当中看到的美景。Undoubtedly one of the best undiscovered gems of Xinjiang is Habahe County.

我只能讲述一下我的身体在亚利桑那州的一处山洞中隐藏十年的故事。I can only tell of the ten years my dead body lay undiscovered in an Arizona cave.

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下一场未被发现的大趋势就在眼前,你看到了吗?The next big undiscovered wave is right in front of your nose, right now. Do you see it?

实际上,一些人认为这里蕴藏着世界上4分之一的未被发现的矿藏。Indeed, some people think it holds nearly a quarter of the world’s undiscovered reserves.

有人甚至认为呆在充满大量机器的房间里可能有对健康有害,尽管还没有发现这方面的证据。Who knows the as-yet undiscovered health hazards of being in rooms with lots of machines.

我叠好礼物,用一块毯子把它们盖起来,觉得它们肯定不会被发现。I stacked the presents and covered them with a blanket, positive they'd remain undiscovered.

那时还没发现的元素就是钪,镓,锗和锝。They turned out to be the undiscovered elements scandium, gallium, technetium and germanium.

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按照门捷列夫周期表,似乎还有一些元素尚未发现。According to Mendeleyev's periodic table , there seem to be still some elements undiscovered yet.

在这个方案下,微观粒子具有未被发现的被称为“隐变量”的性质。In this scheme, quantum particles possess as yet undiscovered properties dubbed hidden variables.

这片遗址在墨西哥一个雨量最重的地区,被埋在了地下,直到18世纪才再次被人发现。In an area that receives the heaviest rainfall in Mexico, the ruins lay undiscovered until the 18th century.

所以这一个星期,当我注意到所有那些未知的照片被打上标签,我耸耸肩然后翻过去。So this week when I noticed all those undiscovered pictures were set to be tagged, I shrugged and rolled over.

迭代测试和迭代可用性活动都可以减少没有被发现的程序错误对商业的影响。Both iterative testing and iterative serviceability activities reduce the business impact of undiscovered bugs.

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在北部,靠近柬埔寨和泰国的边界,是绝大部分未开发的美妙戈公区。In the north, near to Cambodia's border with Thailand, is the gorgeous and largely undiscovered Koh Kong region.

可是这些森林却是成千上万种类的野生动植物的家,并且还有许多未解之迷。These forests are home to thousands of different species of plants and animals, many still undiscovered by science.

它也是粒子物理学家重要的理论框架——标准模型中,未被发现的最后一环。It is also the last undiscovered component of particle physicists' great theoretical framework – the Standard Model.