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在上层檐口之上是弦月窗。Above the upper cornice are situated the lunettes.

你能在图纸上给我指出檐口部分吗?Can you show me the part of cornice on the drawing?

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古典建筑中正面飞檐上的矮墙或矮楼。Low wall or story above the cornice of a classical fa?ade.

尽管昨天下雨,檐口现在仍在滴水。Though it rained yesterday, the cornice is still dripping water.

这就像放在建筑物檐口的种子一样。It is like a seed that has been left on the cornice of a building.

在线板背面将天花与墙面接触的地方涂上万能胶。Apply construction glue to contact points of cornice to wall and ceiling.

飞檐坠下,便会砸到每位市民头上,城里所有人的头上。A cornice falls, that it hits every citizen on the head, every last man in town.

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线板对接时有缝隙,请使用锯子或者砂纸修整。The joints between the cornice can be amended with the saw and the sanding paper.

用空气枪或钢钉固定线板,同时用土将钉修补。Fasten the cornice with the snail gun or steel snail , and fill the snail holes with plaster.

完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

以菊花贝尔是从直升机,可以准确地定位以上的山脊或檐口暂停一个圆柱体。A Daisy Bell is a cylinder suspended from a helicopter that can be accurately positioned above a ridge or cornice.

剧院檐口上的一排煤气灯发出夺目的光芒,把人行道照得雪亮。On the pavement outside , the row of gas jets flaring on the cornice of the theater cast a patch of brilliant light.

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柱顶盘,上横梁一座古典的建筑的上部,置于。The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.

柱顶盘,上横梁一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成。The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.

一只灰鸟从她们的头顶上飞过,越过有轨电车线,最后停歇在一家屋顶的金属横檐上。A gray bird flew above them, above the electric wires for the street car line, and perched on the metal cornice of a roof.

托臂,翅托从墙面上凸出,常用于支撑檐口或拱形物的一种石、木、砖或其他建筑材料制成的建筑部件。A bracket of stone, wood, brick, or other building material, projecting from the face of a wall and generally used to support a cornice or an arch.

此词原指主檐口以上的一部分墙身,古罗马人主要用以作装饰或铭刻题词,例如在凯旋门上。The word originally denoted any portion of a wall above the main cornice Used by the ancient Romans principally for decorative purposes and inscriptions, as in triumphal arches.

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漫步徽州徽州一带,散落着一个个古老的村落。粉墙墨瓦,飞檐翘角,依山傍水,给我的感觉还是值得去看看的地方。Walk through Huizhou In Huizhou, there are scattering ancient villages. Pink walls and black tiles, cornice and rake angle, leaning to rivers and mountains, which is worthy visiting.