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在外周听觉系统中,核心部分是内耳的耳蜗。Inner ear is the key in the auditive system.

耳朵发炎会引起耳闷吗?Can auditive agnail cause ear to cover tightly?

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目的筛查新生儿听力障碍。Objective To screen auditive obstacles in neonates.

你要再来,我就把你的耳朵剪下来!You should come again, I with respect to the auditive scissor you!

研究同时显示,人类的听觉记忆可以精确地复制歌曲。The study also revealed that auditive memory in people is can accurately replicate songs.

这些女人在听觉方面比较敏感,所以跟她们聊天时要用听觉方面的词语。These women should be auditive in their thinking process, so use auditive words when talking to them.

感受一次精彩、难忘的视觉、嗅觉、味觉、听觉多感官的饕餮之旅。And you will enjoy an impressive visual, olfactory and auditive feast during the wonderful journey of food.

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头发太短了怎么办?可以在耳朵上方再别一个胸针以营造同样的效果。Is ● hair too short how to do? Can fasten a breastpin again in auditive upper part in order to build similar result.

感受一次精彩、难忘的视觉、嗅觉、味觉、听觉多感官的饕餮之旅。And you will feast yourself with impressive visual, olfactory and auditive sense , enjoying this wonderful journey of food.

其它症候变化较多,例如足部下凹、脊柱侧凸、听觉灵敏度的减退或者糖尿病的出现。Other signs are inconstant, such as the presence of hollow feet, scoliosis , decrease of the auditive acuteness or diabetes.