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乌克兰语是唯一的官方语言。Ukrainian is the only official state language.

乌克兰的女伞兵在训练中Female Ukrainian paratroopers take part in a drill.

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印度政府不闻不问的,印度人成为了软柿子。Government should take it hard with the Ukrainian part.

“萨烙”是乌克兰的传统,有几百年了。Salo is a Ukrainian tradition that dates back centuries.

乌克兰媒体称我们是卡扎菲的后宫佳丽,那简直是无稽之谈,我们中间没有人是他的情妇,我们仅仅在测量血压的时候会和他有接触。The Ukrainian press called us Gaddafi’s harem. That’s nonsense.

俄语,德语,土耳其语,乌克兰语郎包提供大家!Russian, German, Turkish, Ukrainian lang packs available everybody!

乌克兰人接着又为队友传出好球,吉拉迪诺头球顶高。The Ukrainian then sent in a cross-shot which Gilardino headed over.

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这是1997年乌克兰士兵在瓦库连丘克做销毁导弹的准备工作。Ukrainian soldiers prepare to destroy a missile in Vakulenchuk in 1997.

或许并不只有慧眼识珠的乌克兰人欣赏Simonova。Perhaps it's not just Ukrainian sophisticates who can appreciate Simonova.

有魅力的乌克兰护士不能浓装艳抹,或者穿暴露的衣服。The attractive Ukrainian nurses wore no flashy makeup or revealing clothes.

罗宋汤是一种源自乌克兰浓菜汤,在东欧和中欧国家广受欢迎。Borscht is a popular soup of Ukrainian origin in Eastern and Central Europe.

治疗应用时静脉滴注无环乌苷。Intravenous drip treatment applications without Ukrainian Central glycosides.

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这是一家生产货物和消防飞机的乌克兰公司。This is a Ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft.

位于乌克兰扎波罗热的这栋房子是由一位退休的老人用空瓶子建成的。A house is made of empty bottles, built by a Ukrainian pensioner in Zaporozhye.

结果,只有很少的乌克兰哥萨克跟随马泽帕去了瑞典阵营。As a result, few of the Ukrainian Cossacks followed Mazeppa to the Swedish camp.

比较大的红点是乌克兰制造的范围作为标准配备。Relatively large red dot scope of Ukrainian manufacture is fitted as a standard.

利比亚领导卡扎菲跟乌克兰一位金发碧眼的性感护士一同外出旅行过。Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi travels with a "voluptuous blonde" Ukrainian nurse.

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直到乌克兰人击倒了索利斯,他向右移动受到了击打。That was until the Ukrainian knocked Solis – who moved right into the shot – down.

全世界也对乌克兰人民在切核25周年之后仍然在给予援助。The international community are still giving assistance to Ukrainian after 25years.

ROSHEN糖果公司是乌克兰最大的糖果制造商。ROSHEN Confectionery Corporation is the largest Ukrainian confectionery manufacturer.