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第二种是空间的二元论。There's also a spatial dualism.

这就是空间的二元论。So that's another dualism of space.

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二元论则是一种截然不同的假说Now, dualism is a very different doctrine.

笛卡尔为二元论提出了两点论据Now, Descartes made two arguments for dualism.

原因之一即二元论总是有自身的局限性One reason is dualism has always had its problems.

虽然我们中的不少人会倾向于同意有分别念是不好的。Many of us may partially agree that dualism is bad.

首先,二元论镶嵌于我们的语言之中One thing is our dualism is enmeshed in our language.

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他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism.

为什么你要反对二元论而相信这个Why would you reject dualism in favor of this alternative?

二元论揭示了直觉上的人格同一性Our dualism shows up in intuitions about personal identity.

他是因果与宿命的二元论者。He was a believer in dualism for both fatalism and causality.

这么看来事实上笛卡尔关于二元论的论据并不特别强而有力。So Descartes arguments for dualism are not actually particularly strong ones.

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物理主义和二元论,是关于这个问题的两种不同的回答。The two main traditional answers to this question are dualism and physicalism.

生产与消费的二重性是人类社会发展进步的基础和条件。This dualism is basis and conditions of development and progress of human society.

他将这种心智与物质的区分的先天假设称之为“常识二元论”。He calls this innate assumption that mind and matter are distinct "common-sense dualism".

因此我认为这是个好的尝试,讨论与二元论不同的观点。So I think it's a very nice attempt to discuss the physicalist alternative to Plato's dualism.

探寻吉登斯从二元性到二重性飞跃的轨迹对当前社会科学研究具有重要意义。This pape tries to quest for the development process of Giddens's idea from dualism to duality.

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二元论在其最广泛的意义似乎是一种固有的,根深蒂固的趋势伊朗铭记。Dualism in its widest sense seems to be an inherent and ineradicable tendency of the Iranian mind.

它也是一种二元论形式,因为它承认心理状态和属性的不可还原性。It is also a form of dualism , because it allows the irreducibility of mental states and properties.

二元论只是说,"心灵是无形的,是世界的一部分",因此并不能给出合理的解释And dualism simply says, "It's all nonphysical, it's part of the ether," and hence fails to explain it.