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将红辣椒洗净切丝。Wash chili and slice.

把火腿片切厚些。Slice the ham thicker.

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,Here,,the,question,is,第一个切面和最后一个切面在哪?What is the last slice?

冰过的七喜,饰以莱姆片。Garnish with a lime slice.

把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。Slice the cucumber thinly.

肉类,则讲究刀工,即片。The meat is focus on slice.

把红辣椒切丝。Cut the red chilli in slice.

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滴在载玻片上。Drip on glass slice of year.

将苹果削皮并切成楔形。Slice and apple into wedges.

有一片罗卜掉到了地上。A slice falls onto the floor.

配菜同分一杯羹的石灰。Garnish with a slice of lime.

你能否把肉切成细丝?。Could you slice the meat fine?

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我要一片白面粉和水发酵制成的。I want a slice of white bread.

装饰用的柠檬片或青柠片Lemon or lime slice to garnish

请给我一片火腿肉。Please give me a slice of ham.

你用的削球不和。You didn't use the slice a lot.

切成2厘米宽的圈.Slice into 2-centimeter circles.

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有一片罗卜掉到了地上。A slice fwhichles onto the floor.

并把香蕉片放入麦片粥中。And put the slice on your cereal.

贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.