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必须采取措施进行有效地治理与生态调控。Must adopting the measure of ecological control affectively.

清晰自然,抗冲击,有效阻拦紫外线,眩光及散射光。Clear natural, anti-impact, affectively stopping ultraviolet radiation, scattered light.

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带有情感效价的脸孔,被假设为比起带情感效价化的文字,具有更直接的情感性评价。Emotionally valenced faces were hypothesized to be more directly evaluated affectively than valenced words.

男人喜欢公开谈论有具体内容的话题,而女人则喜欢两三个私下交流感情。Men tend to enjoy public, referentially orientated talk, while women enjoy intimate, affectively orientated talk.

这将允许我们有效的使板球产业与现今世界变化着的需求保持一致。This will allow us to affectively manage the cricket product to be consistent with the changing demand of today's world.

梦可从情感上描绘复活的记忆,促进对其它分析材料的澄清和组织。The dream may depict affectively revived memories, facilitating the clarification and organization of other analytic material.

他们深情地凝视着双方,这时,电话响了,响了好久,弗朗西斯卡才去拿听筒。They look at each other affectively . During this time, phone rings. It lasts for quite a while till Francesca reaches for it.

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如果你还不知道对方的类型,最简单的方法就是倾听,他的言语中更多的是客观描述还是情感表达。If you don't already know then the easiest way to find out is listen for whether they describe the world cognitively or affectively.

盖特纳说美国和中国联合起来共同有效应对全球经济低迷非常重要。Geithner says it is crucial for the United States and China to work together to affectively come back effectively combat the global economic downturn.

但是问题是“我认为我是谁”也可能是一个情结。我可能出生是一个奴隶,于是我就对奴隶认同。When we hear the word "complex" we tend to think of something that's pathological, whereas all a complex really is, is an affectively charged cluster of energy.

大多数人进入成年期后,都能够在经济和物质上独立,但是有多少人能够情感独立呢?Most people grow into adults are capable of being independent financially and materially, but how many are capable of being independent affectively and emotionally?

理论和仿真结果表明,通过优化感测时间和功率分配能有效改善感知系统的中断性能。Theoretical analysis and simulation results show optimum sensing time and transmitted power allocation would improve outage performance of cognitive system affectively.

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怎样在新的市场规则下对利率风险进行有效地管理,及时发现和控制利率风险是商业银行所必须慎重考虑的。Commercial bank must consider cautiously how to manage interest rate risk affectively according to new marketing rule, and how to find and control interest rate risk in good time.

研究耕地外部效益的评估,既可促进人们对耕地重要性的全面认识,又有助于运用经济手段等来实现耕地的更有效保护。The study on assessment of farmland external benefit will not only promote awareness of the importance of farmland, but also contribute to using economic means to protect farmland more affectively.