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花谢花飞飞满天。Flowers fade and fly.

这布掉色吗?Will this cloth fade?

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剪上去的花朵容难枯萎。Cut flowers soon fade.

红潮悄悄褪去。Red tide quietly fade.

决不允许这个画面消逝。Never permit it to fade.

染得好的颜色不会褪色。A good dye will not fade.

玫瑰的嫣红,永不退色。Yanhong roses never fade.

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花被剪下后,很快会凋谢的。Flower soon fade when cut.

花折下不久就凋谢。Flowers soon fade when cut.

印泥永远不褪色。The inkpad will never fade.

是雷锋精神离我们越来越远?Did Leifeng spirit fade away?

但抑郁症不褪色。But the depression didnt fade.

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我祈求星空褪尽色彩。I plead for the stars to fade.

喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。Love you as you fade all pride.

在这里的记忆将永不磨灭。My memories here will never fade.

你的长夏永不会凋零。Your long summer will never fade.

怎么做流光字渐隐字?How to do fade streamer word word?

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过去的WSI从未逝去,只是逐渐消逝。Old WSI never die, just fade away.

花开,花艳,花萎。She flowers, she blooms, she fade.

各种颜色退得分不清了。The colours fade into one another.