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结果显示,他们的那段历史是内翻足和脊柱侧弯的家族病史。It reveals a family history of clubfoot and scoliosis.

目的提高儿童顽固性马蹄内翻足畸形的治疗效果。Objective To improve the treatment of refractory clubfoot in children.

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目的探讨联合手术方法治疗小儿先天性马蹄内翻足。Objective To explore the treatment of children congenital idiopathic clubfoot with combined operation.

智能型小儿马蹄脚治疗仪是一种用于治疗小儿马蹄脚的现代医疗器械。The smart clubfoot orthosis is a kind of modern medical treatment apparatus that can be used to treat clubfoot.

目的探讨三维CT成像诊断先天性马蹄内翻足的临床应用价值。Objective To study the clinical significance of three-dimensional CT in evaluating congenital clubfoot deformity.

据香港媒体报道,王菲自生下兔唇女儿李嫣后,一直有阴影不敢怀孕。According to media reports, since Faye Wong gave birth to her daughter Li Yan clubfoot and has been a shadow not pregnant.

目的分析先天性马蹄内翻足肌力平衡术后继发外翻的原因并提出预防措施。Objective To analyze the causes of secondary talipes valgus of congenital clubfoot post- operation in children and describe the prophylactic measures.

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方法在行足后内侧软组织松解术时,将足母长屈肌与腓骨长肌吻合,加强腓侧肌力。Method Musculus flexor hallucis longus with musculus peroneus longus were anastomosed to strengthen fibular muscle producing posterointernal lysis for clubfoot.

目的在动物模型和临床电生理检测基础上,探索先天性马蹄内翻足的病理与临床病变间的可能联系。Objective To explore the possible correlations between clinical and experimental pathological changes of congenital clubfoot and the pathodynamic developmental procedure.

兄妹联姻生下的图坦卡蒙有先天性的畸形足,同时还被骨病所折磨,这让他无法行走。Offspring of a union between siblings, this often studied pharaoh is now revealed to have had a congenital clubfoot afflicted with bone disease, which would have made walking painful.

亦有传她因二女儿李嫣天生有兔唇缺陷,所以格外留神,及时发现胎儿在成长过程中出现的问题,所以忍痛决定接受人工流产。Chuan also due to her daughter Li Yan born with clubfoot defects, particularly Watch, the timely detection of fetal growth in the course of the problem, so decided to accept the pain of abortion.