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“我个人强烈抗议那么多明显的违法行为,我不会屈服于这个危险的把戏,”前总理穆萨维说,“这一结果会危害伊斯兰共和国的支柱,并且建立暴政。”The result will jeopardise the pillars of the Islamic republic and establish tyranny.

乔维尔与旅游部次官萧恩.伍德瓦德担心,床铺税如付诸实施,会危及国内旅游业。Jowell and Shaun Woodward , the Tourism Minister, fear that the tax will jeopardise domestic tourism.

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一场失利,甚至一场平局都会让国家队进军欧洲杯决赛圈的梦想破灭。A defeat or even a draw may jeopardise the Azzurri's hope of qualifying for the European Championship.

官员们至今还无法确定事故原因,也无法判断是否会危及整个发射任务。Officials have so far been unable to identify the cause of the malfunction or judge whether it would jeopardise the mission.

他们接着说,火灾数量增加的结果,可能危及到减少毁林排放计划的长期成就。As a result, the rise in fires could jeopardise the long-term success of schemes to reduce emissions from deforestation, they added.

在这样一片动荡中,爱德华激进的社会主义观使其国会议员的地位受到威胁,而且,玛丽贝尔的过往也开始影响她现在的生活。Amid the turmoil Edward's passionate socialist views jeopardise his seat in Parliament and Maribel's past begins to infiltrate her present.

与此同时,不利和极端的天气条件会危及稻谷这一供养着世界一半以上人口的作物的生产。At the same time adverse and extreme weather conditions can jeopardise rice crop production, which feeds more than half the world’s population.

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然而,因沃罗宁期待着能够获得更稳定的出场时间,利物浦远不能达到他心中要求,这使得这笔交易存在潜在的成功性。It is, however, claimed Liverpool's demands for Voronin, who is thought to be keen to land regular playing time, could jeopardise a potential deal.

此举势必会危及布拉马普特拉河流量变化,在雨季期间引起特大洪水,在冬季导致河水枯竭。This move is bound to jeopardise the flow of the Brahmaputra, the lifeline of the Assam valley, causing devastating floods during the rainy season.

他或其他曾在伦敦寻求庇护的俄罗斯大佬可能会因为如此不择手段的冒险行为危及自己的庇护权,这似乎不大可能发生。That he or the other bigwig Russians who have taken refuge in London would jeopardise their asylum for the sake of such risky Machiavellianism seems improbable.

笔记本电脑的丢失或者硬盘的破损不会危及这些数据,因为他们通常存储于远程数据中心,并可以借助任何一部上网的电脑访问到。The loss of a laptop or crash of a hard drive does not jeopardise the data because it is regularly saved in "the cloud" and can be accessed via the web from any machine.

IFJ谴责台湾当局干预国家媒体的行为,亦强烈要求台湾政府停止这些有碍新闻自主的行径。The IFJ condemns Taiwan's apparent interference in state-owned media and urges government authorities to refrain from further acts that could jeopardise editorial independence.

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但当布莱尔说埃及的转变必须得到“控制”——可推测是由西方来控制——以避免危及“和平进程”的时候,他只是公开地说出了华盛顿相信的东西而已。But when Blair said that Egypt’s transition had to be ‘managed’ – presumably by the West – so as not to jeopardise the ‘peace process’, he was only saying openly what Washington believed.

西方的一些国家拿什么人权、什么社会主义制度不合理不合法等做幌子,实际上是要损害我们的国权。Some Western countries, on the pretext that China has an unsatisfactory human rights record and an irrational and illegitimate socialist system, attempt to jeopardise our national sovereignty.

经济复苏必须保证,新政府想减低被称浪费的之前的财政刺激方案可能会危及任何存在的增长。Economic recovery is by no means assured and the government’s desire to cut back on what it calls wasteful aspects of previous fiscal-stimulus efforts could jeopardise whatever growth there is.

希拉里正对印度进行5天的访问,她表示,削减碳排放不会损及印度的高经济增长率,及其使数以百万计的人脱贫的目标。Mrs Clinton, on a five-day visit to the country, said that low-carbon emissions would not jeopardise India's high economic growth rates and its goal of lifting millions of people out of poverty.