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是温情?Was it the rating of warmth?

动力伞的技能等级是如何划分的?What is this PPG rating thing?

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为什么我们没有分级制度?Why don't we have a rating system?

跟我们说说这些评价网站。Tell us about those rating websites.

临时等级分不公布。Provisional rating are not published.

我们重申对同仁堂科技的“买入”评级。We iterate our "Buy" rating for TRTT.

民航总局第一类在2007年获得评级。DGCA category I rating earned in 2007.

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每个滑雪场地都有它的危险级别。Every skiing area has a danger rating.

这是信用评级机构的原话。That's what the credit rating agency said.

是最低投资评级。BBB- is the lowest investment grade rating.

BTIG对迪斯尼的股票给出了“卖出”评级。BTIG has a "sell" rating on Disney's stock.

我们对利丰给予卖出的首次评级。We initiate coverage on L&F with a SELL rating.

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别沉迷在竞技场和积分系统。Do not sucked into arena and the rating systems.

花旗银行财务实力评级目前为Baa2。Citi's bank financial strength rating is now Baa2.

今天那家餐厅,如果满分十分,我只给它打一分。I gave today's restaurant a one-out-of-ten rating.

下面是暴露的外汇增长BOT评级。Below is the rating of the exposed Forex Growth Bot.

计算结果基于“世界足球等级分”。Calculation is based on "World Football Elo Rating".

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因此我们对盛大维持长线购买的评级。Hence we maintain our Long-term Buy rating on Shanda.

如果我的评级太低,卖者可能忽略我的报价。If my rating is too low, a seller can exclude my bid.

我相信美国的3A评级会成为历史。I'm pretty sure America will lose its triple-A rating.