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别都移向一边,否则船会翻的。Don't gravitate to one side, or the boat will upset.

如果你们都移向一边,船就要翻了。If you all gravitate to one side, you'll upset the boat.

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但几代人做的重心在不同的方向。But the generations do gravitate in different directions.

人总是倾向于接受他们已经接受的人,同意已经同意的观点。People tend to gravitate to people and ideas in which they already agree.

新手的变化更快,新手和专家随着时间推移都会倾向于成为中间用户。Both beginners and experts tend over time to gravitate towards intermediacy.

有些人天生被理论吸引,另一些则趋向于实践。Some people naturally gravitate more toward theory and some toward practice.

在同一个场所内,年龄相仿的儿童往往互相吸引。Within a space, children of similar age tend to gravitate toward each other.

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取悦别人的人最终会变得平庸,因为他们总是会随大流。Appeasers end up being average because they always gravitate to the middle of the road.

随着需求量的增长,消费者更加容易被最新款手机所吸引。With a growing demand, consumers are likely to gravitate toward the newest device models.

他说,有些周期性情感失调症患者倾向于一种易于滋生这种病的生活方式。Some SAD sufferers, he says, simply gravitate toward a lifestyle that accommodates the disease.

怎么称呼这个主要音符,这个被其它音符围绕,起到吸引作用的音符?What's the primary note called, the note around which all of the others-- all the others gravitate?

不管是否有血缘关系,人们都趋向于相互吸引,并逐渐形成一个家族单位。Whether blood related or not, people tend to gravitate to others, and eventually form a family unit.

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到时最棒的播放器与在线商店会吸引消费者,而最棒的正是苹果所有的。Consumers would gravitate to the best player and the best store, and at the moment that means Apple’s.

伴随着CES到达2011年,我个人的兴趣倾向于品牌。While I was walking along CES 2011, I tend to gravitate toward the booths that interest me personally.

作为成年人,他们遍布不同的领域,但是不管做什么,他们都是全力以赴,琼斯博士说。As adults, they gravitate to different fields, but whatever they do, they do full bore, Dr. Jones says.

用户可能会改用一种与微信类似的免费产品,电信巨头们又会回到原点。In turn users would likely gravitate to a similar free product, leaving the telecoms right where they began.

人人喜爱的贵金属之一,我们即使穿回科系东西偶尔。Everyone has a favorite precious metal , one we gravitate back to even if we wear something else occasionally.

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消费者若非价格意识强烈、倾向购买Arcade,就是想要拥有完整的Xbox360体验.They're either price conscious and they gravitate toward the Arcade, or they want the full Xbox 360 experience.

享有特权的这些18岁孩子们已经得到了被文科学院吸引的教训,这很正常。It makes sense that privileged 18-year-olds who have already learned that lesson gravitate to liberal-arts colleges.

现在越来越多的普通玩家和骨灰级游戏高手都被网络上形形色色产品所吸引,网络游戏和虚拟世界又迎来了一次巅峰。Online gaming and virtual worlds are booming as both casual and hard-core gamers gravitate toward internet offerings.