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我已经在东吴大学上课了。I've started classes at Soochow University.

我从苏州给她带来一件美妙的礼物。I brought her a very nice present from Soochow.

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这些是靠近苏州的湖里的淡水蟹。Those are fresh-water crabs from a lake near Soochow.

东吴大学英文系。Dept. of English Language & Literature, Soochow University.

来自苏州的上海名妓。该明信片1905年由上海寄往英国。Soochow Girls. The postcard was posted from Shanghai to England in 1905.

没有多久,他就说上一口北京话,带有一些甜丝丝的苏州音。It was not long before he spoke Mandarin, with a trace of the soft Soochow tones.

苏州河的浊水幻成了金绿色,轻轻地,悄悄地,向西流去。The muddy water of Soochow Creek, transformed to a golden green, flow quietly westward.

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以下教学资源只能在苏州大学校园网网段内访问。Only within Soochow University campus network, can all the following course URLs be accessed.

魏千峰律师,台湾律师,台湾东吴大学法律学系兼任副教授。Taiwanese lawyer Mr. Wei Chien Feng, part-time associate professor in law, Soochow University.

博物馆的馆址为原东吴大学的司马德体育馆旧址。The museum was built on the original site of Smart Gymnasium of the former Soochow University.

1950年生,福建人,东吴大学毕业,后留学美国。Born in Fujian in 1950, after graduating from Soochow University, he studied in the United States.

丝素蛋白材料由苏州大学材料学院李明忠教授提供。Silk fibroin was provided by Professor Li Ming-zhong from Materials College of Soochow University.

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刘备在同意了与东吴联合抗曹的建议之后,派诸葛亮前往东吴。Liu Bei in agreement with Soochow combined with anti-Cao"s recommendation, sent Zhuge Liang to Soochow."

可见东吴征收赋税,确有户分三品与户分九品之类分。Soochow levy taxes can be seen, there are households and household sub-sub-Pin Zhi Mishina like minutes.

最后对苏州大学在合并过程中学科整合的实践进行了案例分析。Last but not least, the paper makes a case study of Soochow University's practice in discipline integration.

上述吴简,无疑是研究东吴赋税制度史的重要资料,弥足珍贵。The Miss Jane, no doubt the tax system to study the history of Soochow important information, very valuable.

脐血标本来自苏州大学附属第一医院产科,产妇及其家属均签署知情同意书。Cord blood preparation was provided by Department of Maternity, First Affiliated Hospital, Soochow University.

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上海和苏州附近的假山多数是用太湖的石头来建筑的,石上有着从前给海浪冲击过的痕迹。Rockeries near Shanghai and Soochow are mostly built of rocks from the Taihu Lake, bearing marks of former sea waves.

苏州各界质疑声四起,提出教授们参与政治谈话对他们的学生会产生何种影响之类的问题。The Soochow fracas raises questions about the kind of impact that professors who "talk politics" have on their students.

台北东吴大学的徐永明认为,此次丑闻可能将影响马英九对竞选搭档的选择。At the least, argues Hsu Yung-ming at Taipei's Soochow University, the scandals may affect Mr Ma's choice of running mate.