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我们怎么计算呢?So, how do we compute it?

计算时间差。Compute the time difference.

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这定义的是计算节点。This defines the compute nodes.

我们该怎样计算这个式子呢?So, how do we compute this thing?

哪一个余子式我们需要计算呢?Which minors do we need to compute?

要计算反正弦的表达式。Expression to compute the arcsine of.

现在可以计算这个积分了。And now you can compute this integral.

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让我们来试着计算它们中的一个。OK, so let's try to compute one of them.

但是它们确实算了一些线积分,对吧?But, they compute some line integral, OK?

我们需要计算通量的积分。We have to compute the integral for flux.

你们应该都知道怎样计算它了。And, I think you all know how to compute it.

那么,怎么计算这个二重积分呢?Now, how do we compute that double integral?

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我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。We can compute the circular area with radius.

它们中的一些在做不同的线积分。Some of them compute different line integrals.

我们受惠于DX11的计算大部分功能。We benefit most from the DX11 Compute features.

完全不需要,我们只需要计算其中的两个,对吗?No We only need to compute two of them, right?

所以你们可以明确地计算这两个向量。So, you could compute these two vectors explicitly.

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同时提供一种卡塞格伦系统双曲线的近似计算的方法。And a method how to compute the dual curve is given.

那用什么坐标系来计算这个积分呢?What coordinates do we use to compute this integral?

如果你计算旋度的话,所有这些都可以核对的。If you compute the curl, you can check each of these.