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我们将保留我们的权利。We shall retain our rights.

这些玫瑰花仍有余香。These roses retain their scent.

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需要花多大的力气去挽留?How much effort is needed to retain?

其他公司则永久保留所有的邮件。Other companies retain all e-mail forever.

何必拿庄重去款留一个变了心的人。Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.

分众传媒将保持一小部分广告业务。Focus Media would retain a rump ad business.

依然盘桓在它们惯住的心田。Still in my heart retain their wonted place.

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某些宝石的保值作用更高。Certain gems retain value better than others.

对于其他项,保持默认的设置。For other items, retain the default settings.

否则您就必须使用该无效假设。Otherwise you must retain the null hypothesis.

那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。The dyke was built to retain the f1ood waters.

房东保留营业装璜的权力。Landlord right to retain tenant trade fixtures.

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低血钾时,正常肾脏有保钾功能。In hypokalemia, normal kidneys retain potassium.

网络捐款者也趋向于更难保留。Online donors also tend to be tougher to retain.

那些燃料的残渣还可以持续加热24小时之久!Those briquettes retain heat for up to 24 hours!

我们希望能借重阁下长才。Actually, we were hoping to retain your services.

双子叶植物中保留着一系列的束。Dicotyledonous plants retain a series of strands.

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花朵风干后能保持原有的颜色。Flowers, when air-dried, will retain their color.

瓷碟子保温的时间要比金属盘久。China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans do.

你和你的沉睡者生活还有联系吗?Do you retain any connections to your Sleeper life?