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我认为渤恩慕城好一些。I think Bourn mouth 's nicer.

在这个时候,孤独的存在就好比是心灵的小溪。At this moment, a lonely existence just is a bourn.

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我认为渤恩慕是一个比布莱顿好得多的城市。I think Bourn mouths a much nicer town than Brighton.

到现在我这把年纪了都未必有他当初的境界。Even now, I still cannot reach his bourn then and there.

这是古今中外许多严肃的艺术家孜孜以求的艺术境界。This bourn is the one that many serious authors go in for.

有溪流相伴,心便有了一方宁静、空灵的空间。There is a peaceful space in my heart when I am associating the Bourn.

斯特普托和爱德华兹先生创办博恩剑桥第一堂体外受精诊所。Messrs. Steptoe and Edwards founded the first IVF clinic at Bourn Hall in Cambridge.

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和谐社会是一种体现现代文明的社会理想,“和谐”是一种文化境界。A harmonious society is a social ideal representing modern civilization, and harmoniousness is a cultural bourn.

他们在剑桥伯恩楼里成立了世界上第一家试管婴儿诊所,现在每年接待大约900位妇女顾客。The pair founded the first ever IVF clinic at Bourn Hall in Cambridge, which now treats around 900 women a year.

黄克诚人格体现的是无产阶级理想境界和人类优秀品德的大人格。The personality of Huang Kecheng is the embodiment of the ideal bourn of the proletarians and the grand personality of mankind.

公民社会的兴起要求国家与社会的界限进一步明晰,并在此基础上赋予社会更多的自主性。The rising of civil society demand that the bourn of state and society is more clear and the society is endowed with more independence.

在哲学层面上慎独是主体存在的自我追问,是真实自我的实现过程,是人性完美的崇高境界。In the philosophy view, it's the self-thinking of everyone, is the way to realize oneself, and is the sublime bourn of perfect humanity.

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在这篇赋中,张衡思想中的庄骚合流倾向逐渐清晰,并表现为对“逍遥”之境的追求。The merger tendency of Zhuang and Sao in Zhang-Heng s thinking is gradually clear in this Fu, and represents as pursuing bourn of"carefree".

近年来,在我国长江三角洲地区的一些发达城市中,花境被应用于道路绿地的各类形式逐渐兴起。In recent years, some developed cities of our country Yangtse Delta areas, many kinds of flower bourn have emerged gradually in path green space.

本论文从当前教师专业化发展的需求出发,以教师专业化发展阶段理论为基础,针对教师专业发展成熟阶段中的最高境界即教师风格化进行了深入的研究。This thesis does an in-depth research about teacher's stylizing which is the highest bourn in the muture phase of teacher'specialization-development.

教育境界是教育主体觉解而形成的一种意义世界,是教育主体的"灵明"所照亮了的他所生活于其中的意义世界。The educational bourn is a kind of meaningful world formed through the awakening of educational subjects. It is also the world that the education subjects live in.

文章开篇以王国维论文学高下的言论和潘天寿论艺术高下的言论为引子,介绍问题的缘起和启示。The author, beginning with the remarks about literature bourn by Wang Guowei and Pan Tianshou's points about art, finds out the origin and inspiration for the paper.

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人生境界论揭示出个体各种不同的道德境界,这实质上反映出冯友兰对于道德修养不同层次的认识和划分。Theory of life bourn posts different moral bourns of individuals, which reflects the knowledge and partition of Moral cultivation's different arrangements virtually.

在企业文化的基础上着力塑造体现灵活,创新和开放的营销部门文化,是营销致胜的最高境界。The highest bourn of makingmarketing won is that an innovational and open marketing department culture isfigured based on the enterprise culture and embodied flexibility.

他在中医与文学的两个世界里倾诉着大气和沧桑的感慨,追求着哲思和诗情的境界。So he, both in the Chinese medicine and literature circles, delivers the feeling of universe and earth's change and also seeks for the bourn of philosophical thought and poetics.