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或是会被接受?Or are they desirable?

也许那是值得永久期许的。Maybe that would be desirable forever.

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还有什么比那更让人期许?What could be more desirable than that?

他这个月的出勤率令人满意。His attendance rate this month is desirable.

一个水平式咬合是可以接受的,但是不理想。A level bite is acceptable, but not desirable.

一些人质疑客观性是否可取。Some question whether objectivity is desirable.

许多事情可遇而不可求。Many things that are desirable are not feasible.

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研究新词要有动态眼光。A dynamic attitude toward neologism is desirable.

为什么认为对方是个不错的性伴侣?What makes them physically desirable to each other?

结果是,没有长势喜人的植物取代它们。As a result, less desirable plants may replace them.

没人认为通货紧缩本身是可取的。No one thinks that deflation in itself is desirable.

调试时需有信号发生器辅助。A signal generator is desirable for dial calibration.

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那我们怎么把优秀男人从其他女人那里解放出来?So how do we liberate desirable men from other women?

当然,谁又会在阅读时老想着实现一个目标呢?Yet who reads to bring about an end however desirable?

MP5属性将会被修正,使其对骑士更有吸引力。Changes to make MP5 a more desirable stat for Paladins.

我认为这款车型是紧凑型车中最诱人的一款。I think this is the most desirable of the compact cars.

线性关系是在你足够熟练时十分可取的方法。Linearity is the desirable way to go if you can manage.

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重点难点都在于你创造一个恰当的气氛。What matters is the creation of a desirable atmosphere.

一个悬浮剂除了通常是可取的。The addition of a suspending agent is usually desirable.

对,这是恋爱的其中一种结果,也是最为人期望的结果。Yes, it is one result of love, and the most desirable one.