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请和我私聊。Please whisper me.

“非常,”我低声说道。“Very much,” I whisper.

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我明白如何轻声细语。I know just how to whisper.

一段在故事中的石语。The stone whisper in a story.

那声音听上去象是一声低语。I heard a sound like a whisper.

我每一天悄悄地对我的碟子说。I whisper to my tray every day.

这就是镰刀的低语。The whisper of the scythe then.

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会对他们的灵魂悄言且走And whisper to their souls to go

那声音听上去象是一声低语。The sound sounds like a whisper.

熊刚才跟你说什么了?What did the Bear whisper to you?

他压低了声音悄悄地说话。He lowered his voice to a whisper.

一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语。A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love.

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她压低声音,悄悄说话。She dropped her voice to a whisper.

段段的倾诉低语。Section of sections pour out whisper.

观众们开始交头接耳。The spectators began to whisper again.

我只能听到低低的私语。I could detect only the merest whisper.

奥瑟罗什麽!他们从来不曾低声耳语吗?Ot dello. What, did they never whisper?

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一阵和煦的微风吹过树林飒飒作响。A warm breeze whisper through the trees.

死亡,我的死亡,来向我低声细语罢!Death, my death, come and whisper to me!

胖子欠身对她耳语几句。Fatso leaned over to whisper in her ear.