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第一防御范围是去污。The first line of defense is decontamination.

绿色食品的净化力很高。The decontamination dint of the green food is very high.

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深色衣服上的油渍,用残茶叶搓洗能去污。Brunet dress in the oil, tea 8g into can decontamination.

日本红十字会在全国各地拥有核净化团队。The JRC has nuclear decontamination teams throughout the country.

他们的产品能否用来去污还不能确定。It is uncertain whether their product can be used for decontamination.

对皮革衣物的洗涤,具有特去污功效。To the leather clothings wash, has the special decontamination effect.

内部净化要求不低于隔离器。Internal decontamination requirements would be comparable to isolators.

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乔治•桑德斯,请保持不动!准备排除污染。George Sanderson, please remain motionless. Prepare for decontamination.

因此,近年来有人把研究方向定在非抗生素口腔去肟染的方法上。So someone studied on non-antibiotic oral decontamination in recent years.

研究用戈尔膜分离净化盐水生产出高纯度工业盐。Highly purified salt is produced by the gore film decontamination technology.

如果不起作用,尝试使用去污性更强的清洁剂。If does not work, try to use the decontamination of a stronger cleaning agent.

在车辆辐射净化中心,来客接受核辐射检查。A man is checked for radiation after arriving at a vehicle decontamination center.

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牡蛎礁生态系统是河口环境的天然污染处理厂。Oyster reef ecosystem is a natural decontamination plant of estuarine environment.

本研究对象为“立白”洗衣粉的去污效果。This research object is" white sets up" the laundry powder decontamination effect.

本文阐述了反应堆工程退役工作的三大任务之一——去污问题。The decontamination is one of the three major tasks in nuclear reactor decommissioning.

安装前应对阻火器进行除污处理。Before the installation, should make decontamination processing for the flame arresters.

为了避免水渍,可使用大理石专用的去污除锈剂。In order to avoid watermarks, can be used a dedicated decontamination marble rust agent.

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他们建议用含酒精的消毒液定期清洗手机。They recommend routine decontamination of mobile phones with alcohol-containing disinfectants.

治疗青春痘误区三、每天多洗脸就可以去油去污。Three Mistakes treatment of acne, wash your face you can go more than a day of oil decontamination.

经过试用,对车辆的去污和保持漆层的光洁效果相当好。Results After trials, the polish cleaner can bring significant decontamination with limited quantity.