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他能清白、不受怀疑地走入大楼。He was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected.

的发展,没有料到的困难接连出现了。As the project develop, unsuspected difficulty come to the fore.

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如果他能接近餐馆的一个桌子而不被怀疑,他就会大功告成。If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected success would be his.

如果他能进入这家餐厅在一张餐桌边坐下而不受到怀疑,那么他就可以成功了。If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected , success would be his.

除了上述情况,还应该包括一些未知的和突发的人为灾祸。Combinations of the above, and many other unsuspected and sudden man-made catastrophes.

这些遗传差异让生物学家们对以前并未怀疑过的某些特征开始仔细审视起来。Such genetic differences can open the eyes of field biologists to previously unsuspected traits.

一位老人根据自己深信不疑的成功经验试图将奥秘揭示给混杂的人群。An old man is attempting with a degree of success unsuspected by him to reveal the Mysteries to a motley group.

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没有人一闪念就否定了历史,除非历经悲痛的打击与意料不到的悲剧。No one negates history out of a passing whim, but only under the impact of harrowing and unsuspected tragedies.

它们以未知的方式影响蛋白质的转运、细胞信号转导以及心肌新陈代谢。These ubiquitin ligases affect protein turnover, cell signaling responses, and cardiac metabolism in unsuspected ways.

那个女工有个相好的在面包房,他把钻戒做到一块面包里,藏在里面,无人怀疑,直至搜查结束。The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over.

对T2~T4期的术后意外胆囊癌应宜再次剖腹做根治性手术,以改善预后。For postoperative unsuspected gallbladder carcinoma of T2 to T4, re-exploration and radical resection should be performed to achieve better prognosis.

“我们对自己的银河系了解的够多了,”Spergel博士补充道,没有像这些泡泡一样有银河系这么大的东西是我们所未知的。"And we think we know a lot about our own galaxy, " Dr. Spergel added, noting that the bubbles were almost as big as the galaxy and yet unsuspected until now.

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可是,当深入研究就毫无疑问地显示人的性兴趣种类繁杂,于是,医生们就连忙对每一项新的发现进行命名、归档和分类。However, when a closer look revealed an unsuspected variety of sexual interests, the doctors promptly proceeded to name, list and classify every new discovery.

误差甚至可能来自于某种迄今尚未完全确定其影响的因素,或者某种没受到过怀疑的已有因素。The error may even arise from a factor whose influence has never been properly determined hitherto , or even from a factor whose very existence is unsuspected.

值得注意的是淀粉样蛋白在肾活检后经常被忽视,通常是在肾病综合症或原因不明的肾衰竭时。It is noteworthy that amyloid is often unsuspected when the renal biopsy is performed, usually in the nephrotic syndrome or because of unexplained renal failure.

青岛大学前英语教师余准博士的证言,经过记录、复述、由本人签名核实,却对这一事件提供了始料不及的说明。The following deposition, dictated by, read over, and then signed by Dr. Yu Tsun, former teacher ofEnglish at the Tsingtao Hochschule, casts unsuspected light upon this event.

最后,一旦性少数成长到毋庸置疑的某种规模和积累了经济和政治影响力,多数族群就会变得宽以待人和承认这个长期以来受到责难的性少数的地位。Eventually, once the group grows to a certain unsuspected size and gains economic and political influence, the majority relents and acknowledges the long-denied minority status.

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麻醉起效后行双合诊检查明确子宫活动度及下降程度,并进一步确定无可疑附件病变存在。When adequate anesthesia is obtained, a bimanual pelvic examination is performed to assess uterine mobility and descent and to confirm that no unsuspected adnexal disease is found.

当你观察一个“颤抖”的天体,不可预料的细节会在大气稳定的瞬间闪现,此时星像会变得尖锐,但却在你意识到它之前就消失了。As you watch an object quiver and churn, unsuspected detail will flicker into view during quick moments of stability when the view sharpens up, only to fade out again before you know it.

其实狮子们并不总是沉迷于性幻想中,然而,如果和一个变幻无常的射手,或是调皮的双子抑或是与一个热情澎湃的白羊幽会过一两次,就会完全激发在性方面你无法想像的另一面。You are not really all that sexually imaginative, however, so a tryst or two with a flighty Sagittarian, or a sly Gemini, or an ardent Aries could awaken unsuspected sides of your sexuality.