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该域名可以续费。The domain can be renewed.

有,我昨天刚换了新的。Yes, I renewed it yesterday.

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烧穿的线圈应换新的。The burnt coil should be renewed.

商标权可以续展注册。And trademark right can be renewed.

我们续订了杂志。We renewed our magazine subscription.

我们的煤炭储存量还没有补充过。Our stock of coal has not renewed yet.

断折圣剑将被重铸。Renewed shall be blade that was broken.

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当我回到家时,已对自己有了全新的认识。I came back home with a renewed sense of self.

泪水又一下子夺眶涌出。The tears renewed themselves in a great burst.

比斯尔及陈述了采用特立尼达计划的理由。Bissell renewed the case for the Trinidad plan.

我将图书馆的书续借一个月。I renewed the library's book for another month.

有间很老很老的房子,新刷的油漆。There was an old, old house renewed with paint.

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对再一次的恳求,布鲁斯停了下来!In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.

他们再次提出他们对决策的抗议。They renewed their protest against the decision.

在去年续合约时,曾有过这样的考虑。It happened last year when I renewed my contract.

鱼缸里的水刚刚换过。The water in the fish-tank has just been renewed.

休息了一个小时后,他恢复了精力。Having had an hour's rest,he renewed his strength.

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停了两小时后,我们重新发起进攻。We renewed the attack after stopping for two hours.

我已续订了晚报。I have renewed my subscription to the evening paper.

续订令牌后获取或设置处理程序。Gets or sets a handler for when the token is renewed.