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呼格用于称呼别人的名字。The vocative case is used to address someone by name.

信息功能和祈使功能是其两大主要功能。Informative function and vocative function are the main functions of publicity materials.

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号召型文本的翻译则要忠实于读者的反应。The translation of a vocative text should follow the need to elicit the reader's response.

信息功能是前提,祈使功能是最终要达到的目的。The informative function is the premise, while the vocative function serves as the ultimate goal.

“我不知道,苏菲。”其中“苏菲”是呼格,代表被称呼的一方。"I don't know, Sophie. " Sophie is a vocative expression indicating the party who is being addressed.

外宣资料是一种功能性非常突出的实用文体,它的主要功能是信息功能和祈使功能。As a highly practical type of writing, the main functions of publicity materials areinformative function and vocative function.

通过研究纽马克的文本类型理论,得知旅游文本具有信息和呼唤功能。By studying Newmark's text typology, we may conclude tourism texts feature a combination of informative and vocative functions.

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因而,在纽马克归纳的六种语言功能中,信息功能和呼唤功能是产品说明的主要功能。Of the six language functions classified by Peter Newmark, informative and vocative functions are dominant in product introductions.

如何提高职业教育在新时期的竞争力,已成为职教界的热门话题。It has being a hot topic in the field of vocative education how to improve the competitive power of vocative education in the new time.

文本服务于译文读者,翻译时应遵循读者第一的原则,实现旅游资料对译文读者感召和信息功能的交流。According to it, the translator should aim at fulfilling the communication of the vocative and informative function of tourism materials.

电影片名,作为电影的重要一部分,具有信息性、表达性和号召性的功能,所以电影片名的翻译具有很强的挑战性。The film title, as an important part of the film, is of informative, expressive and vocative functions and its translation is a challenging job.

广告语篇的终极目的在于完成其意动功能,而意动功能又依赖于信息功能和情感功能的联合实现。The ultimate end of advertisement is to realize the vocative function, which depends on the combined realization of informative and expressive functions.

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电影名是电影的重要组成部分,具有传达信息、表现美感和吸引观众的功能。The movie title, as an important part of the movie, is of informative, expressive, aesthetic and vocative functions and its translation is a challenging job.

基于以上对比,本文指出,旅游资料的翻译应遵循目的原则,以实现旅游资料的诱导功能。Based on these differences, this thesis points out that tourism translation should conform to the principle of Skopostheorie to fulfill the vocative function.

广告的价值在于实现其呼唤功能,这一实现过程与目标人群的文化背景,民族情感密切相关。The value of Ads lies in the fulfillment of their vocative function, which is closely related to the cultural background and national feelings of target people.

英国翻译家纽马克根据布勒对语言功能的分类将文本分成了三种类型,即表达型、信息型和号召型。Based upon Buhler's classification of language functions, Peter Newmark puts texts into three types, i. e. the expressive type, the informative type and the vocative type.

英国翻译家,翻译理论家纽马克根据布勒对语言功能的分类将文本分成了三种类型,即表达型,信息型和号召型。According to Buhler's classification of the language function, the English translator, translation theorist Newmark has divided texts into three types, namely expressive, informative and vocative.

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随着普高热的升温,中等职业教育遇到了新的困难和挑战,语文教学失去了应有的位置,教学现状令人堪忧。With the development of ordinary high school , middle vocative education meets new difficulty and challenge, Chinese teaching has lost its position which should be in education and it makes worried.