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他一回头,只见有个黑影儿一晃而过。He turned round and saw a shadow flit by.

熏风里飘飞着她的亲吻,但是,她的樱唇在哪里呢?Her kisses flit in the air, but where are her lips?

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有的球队在一周内刚被表扬到天上,又被贬下地狱。Teams flit from being praised one week, to torn down the next.

刚才他们告诉我,第一批的佃户们明天就得搬走。Now they tell me that first of the tenants are to flit tomorrow.

买东西不注重牌子的人会轻易的从一个牌子瞄到另一个牌子。People who are not used to brands flit easily from one to another.

如果你随由它这样,大脑就会很乐意按自己的选择随意漫游徘徊。If you let it, the mind will happily wander and flit about as it chooses.

连大杂院里的水坑上也来了几个各色的蜻蜓。A few colourful dragon-flies even carne to flit over the puddles in the tenement yard.

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你看着你的念头、感知和情绪掠过你的头脑而并不牵涉其中。You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved.

李夫人是一位大交际花。只要看她从一个晚会到另一个晚会奔波的样子,就够令人疲惫的了。Mrs Lee is such a social butterfly that it makes me tired just watching her flit from party to party.

火车继续前进,我们在掠过沙滩上看见有家人在进餐。Chugging along, we flit through the lives of families on the beach as if flipping through holiday snaps.

蝴蝶在热带丛林里翩翩起舞,五颜六色的翅膀在阳光下闪耀,就像彩虹一样。Butterflies that flit through tropical forests often have brightly colored wings that irridesce in the sun.

可是你知道有多少人一下不按,数百万人中有多少人只是眼睛匆匆掠过屏幕?But what about those who do not click, the many millions of others whose eyes merely flit across the screen?

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他们从来无法从一件工作中得到满足感,只会毫无目的地从一个项目转到另一个项目。They are never content with doing only one thing at a time, and they flit from project to project purposelessly.

闪电照亮了遒劲的古树和一具庞大的铁钟,和尚们穿着僧衣和拖鞋在四处走动。Lightning floodlights gnarled trees and a giant iron bell. Monks with umbrellas flit about in robes and slippers.

萤虫在涸池边的草里闪烁,竹影在荒芜的小径上摇曳。Fireflies flit in the bush near the dried-up pond, and bamboo branches fling their shadows on the grass-grown path.

本文利用实空间重整化群方法对渗流、岩裂、飞蚁模型进行了研究。The models of percolation, rock fracture and flit ant are studied on the real-space renormalization group approach.

心中的春天来临时,五光十色、稍纵即逝的幻想产生了,在脑海里四处飞舞,这在平常是注意不到的。When spring comes within, many-coloured short-lived fancies are born and flit about in the mind, ordinarily unnoticed.

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有些人喜欢连续不断投入新恋情,有些换情人如换衣服般快甚至有可能重复穿着呢,有些则很怕有一刻单身。Some are serial monogamists, some flit from person to person and perhaps even overlap, some are scared to ever be single.

你看着你的念头、感知和情绪掠过你的头脑而并不牵涉其中。You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved. Thoughts are just thoughts.

小鸟在草场上掠过,作为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有着不同寻常的宁静。Inside, small birds flit in the grass, and there’s an unusual stillness for a place that’s home to the world’s largest land animals.