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目前宙斯盾舰也正在接受其他的技术升级。Aegis ships also are receiving other technology upgrades.

在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross.

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由一九九六至一九九七学年起,香港教育学院已纳入教资会的资助范围。It came under the aegis of the UGC in the 1996-97 academic year.

由驱散魔法雕文的治疗暴击可以正确触发神谕之盾。Critical heals from Glyph of Dispel Magic properly proc Divine Aegis.

在法律保护下,他作证指控那名警官。He gave evidence against the police officer under the aegis of the law.

那统统皆正在阿谁宇宙的制物神的保护下完秤弈。All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe.

机遇号用AEGIS选择的最高目标是照片中的黄色标记处。The top target that Opportunity selected with AEGIS is shown by the yellow marker.

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小徽章呈盾形,一半描绘的是老鹰,另一半变成了钥匙。Small badge submits aegis form, what the half depicts is eagle, other in part became the key.

THAAD和“宙斯盾”之间的集成是摧毁先进分离式弹头的关键。The integration between THAAD and Aegis is key to defeating more advanced separating warheads.

这是一个被在财政部庇护下类似私人团体所管理的公司。The establishments are managed by a quasi-private group under the aegis of the finance ministry itself.

电子会刊语言学,下德穆尔西亚大学自2001年3月出版的主持。Electronic journal for linguistics, published under the aegis of Universidad de Murcia since March 2001.

普林斯顿的很多学生都选了,工程学院的课程,而工程学院正是由Keller中心赞助的。So a lot of students in Princeton take courses in engineering school under the aegis of the Keller Center.

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就在这个时候,韩志杰找到药品,在厉辰星的保护下将药带回老俞诊所。At this time, Jeff han find drugs, under the aegis of the folded stars bring medicine back to old yu clinic.

国际部队在联合国的支持下,已被嘱托到发生骚乱的区域。An interning force under the aegis of the United Ns has startistic creationed dispatched to the troubled area.

很高兴看到国际、国内的官方和民意都将最大的支持给了残疾人火炬手金晶。I'm glad to see the government and people give the greatest aegis to the handicapped athlete who named Jingjin.

配备MMSP的“宙斯盾”SPY-1雷达跟踪了这架飞机,并成功执行了所有的攻击方案。The Aegis SPY-1 radar, equipped with MMSP, tracked the aircraft and successfully executed all attack scenarios.

海军宙斯盾武器系统是一种能用于空战、海上作战和反潜作战的基于计算机的武器系统。The Navy’s Aegis Weapon System is a computer-based weapon system capable of air, surface, and submarine warfare.

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IEA是在OECD支持下发起,由少数发达的石油进口国成立并为之服务,它的成员国仍限定在OECD国家之内,随着非成员国如中国和印度的能源需求增长,IEA的代表地位被迅速削弱。The IEA was established by and for a smallnumber of wealthy oil-importing countries, under the aegis of the OECD.

这些随行船只中,每艘都配备超级先进的宙斯盾雷达,搭载一百或更多枚舰空导弹。The escorting warships boast super-sophisticated Aegis radars and carry 100 or more Surface-to-Air Missiles per ship.

这个系统是用来做新建的火箭飞行模拟,以确保它们是值得和飞行表演为目的。This building is used to train Navy personnel on the electronics of current-generation Aegis cruisers and destroyers.