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运费付至布宜诺斯艾利斯,再转运到巴拉圭的亚松森。Freight prepaid to Buenos aires in transit to Asuncion Paraguay.

巴拉圭球迷的停顿后,巴拉圭亚松森失掉了7月3日到西班牙。A fan of Paraguay pauses after Paraguay lost to Spain in Asuncion July 3.

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这家五星级的亚松森酒店还为商务旅行者和团体提供了充足的会议和活动空间。This five-star Asuncion hotel also offers ample meeting and event space for business travelers and groups.

在榜单的另一头,约翰内斯堡取代了巴拉圭的亚拉松,成为今年世界最昂贵城市榜中的最后一名。At the other end of the scale, Johannesburg has replaced Asunción in Paraguay as the least expensive city in the ranking.

亚松森帕尔马扶轮社的社员为VOSH团徵募志愿翻译员,并赞助一个为当地居民进行视力检测的诊疗团。Asunción Palma Rotarians enlisted volunteer interpreters for the VOSH team and sponsored a clinic to evaluate people for eye care.

与这些城市遥遥相对的是巴拉圭的首都亚松森,这五年来被评为世界最“不贵”的城市。On the opposite end of the spectrum, Asuncion in Paraguay is ranked as the world's least expensive city for the fifth year running.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到亚松森特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Asuncion.

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在巴拉圭首都亚松森举行的复活节圣周活动中,一名耶稣扮相的男演员正在表演重走耶稣赴难路。Paraguayan actor, portraying Jesus Christ, takes part in a re-enactment of the Via Crucis , or Way of the Cross, during Holy Week in Asuncion.

三对巴拉圭赌场坐落在亚松森,这亦是首都,和其他人是在埃斯特城和圣贝纳迪诺。Three of the Paraguay casinos are situated in Asuncion , which is also the capital city , and others are in Ciudad del Este and San Bernardino.

雷纳和他在亚松森帕尔马扶轮社的社友弗列提斯对等待接受视力检查的人说明营养充足的重要性。José Servián Renna and fellow Asunción Palma Rotarian Kitty De Fretes advise people awaiting eye examinations about the importance of sound nutrition.

我深信,总会有香港的捐款者可以帮助Asuncion,再买两头山羊,让她赚取收入,照顾子女。I know that there will always be donors in Hong Kong who will help Asuncion buy another pair of goats so she can earn an income to take care of her children.

巴拉圭无家者运动的成员游行到首都亚松森的总统府,要求与总统杜华德见面。Members of Paraguay's Homeless Movement march towards the Lopez presidential palace to demand an audience with President Nicanor Duarte Frutos in Asuncion April 14, 2008.

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在两次台风吹袭前,她一家已非常贫困,风灾令她和很多居民变得一无所有──她再没有收入来源,财物全给洪水冲走。Already impoverished before the two storms came, she and many of the residents had lost everything they had. Asuncion has no income source and all of her possessions were wiped out by the floods.