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花信风,随着花期而来的风。Florescence wind accompanies the florescence.

当春天再来的时候,不必再询问花期。When come again in spring , needn't inquire florescence.

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它的花期是在夏天。秋天这两个季节。Its florescence is in summer, autumn these two are seasonal.

花的品种不同,花信也当然不同。Asflower types vary, the florescence will surely be different.

补光后,植株健壮,但对花芽分化和花期影响不大。However, it would not affect the floral bud differentiation and florescence.

花把势告诉我们花的品种不一样,花期也就不同。The gardener told me that the florescence of flowers varies by floral variety.

对冬樱花的开花、泌蜜规律进行了研究。Florescence and nectar secretion regulation of Cerasus cerasoides were studied.

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该模型的预测结果与牡丹的实际盛花期基本吻合。The results of the methods were consistent with the actual florescence of Peony.

滇牡丹不同植株花期变异比较大。The great difference existed in the florescence of P. delavayi among different plants.

其花瓣多有皱折,花期长,品位高,是母爱的象征。Its leaf has fold more, florescence is long, grade is high, be mother love is indicative.

鸡蛋花形态独特,花期长,花色美艳丰富,在我国华南地区被广泛应用。Their unique flower form, long florescence and colorful has been widely used in south China.

若在花瓶里放人一片阿司匹林,有延长花期的奇效。If the person is put in the vase an aspirin, have the surprise effect that lengthens florescence.

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花期预测与调节对玉米的杂交制种非常重要。Florescence prediction and adjustment measures are very important to hybrid maize seed production.

旨在探索苹果花期的光谱特征和敏感波段。This study aims on the spectral features and sensitive spectrum wave band in the apple florescence.

虎舌红群体花期长、花粉量大的特点为杂交育种带了方便。The characteristic of long florescence and abundant pollen will bring convenience for cross breeding.

杏树开花、幼果形成期间的低温霜冻对杏的产量和经济效益有很大影响。Yield of apricots is limited by low temperature and frost in its florescence influencing its economy.

尽管可能由于不切实际,以及麻痹倦怠而被解散,但这不可思议的全盛期将会见证整个叙利亚革命。Easily dismissed as quixotic by the jaded, this incredible florescence will see the revolution through.

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水稻是湖北省最重要的粮食作物,高温热害是影响湖北水稻产量和品质的主要气象灾害之一。High temperature harm at rice florescence was a big problem to rice production in the Yangtze River basin.

最受欢迎的还是蝴蝶兰和凤梨,好看,好养,花期也长。The most welcome still is butterfly orchid and pineapple, good-looking, good raise, florescence is long also.

感谢我的双眼,再小再眯,我也能可见日出,日落,花开,花谢。Thank for my eyes, small as it is, through which I can see sunrise and sunset, flower florescence and witherer.