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她信函内附有一张支票。Her letter enclosed a check.

在密封罐服务勺子。Serving scoop enclosed in jar.

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随函附上我们最新的商品目录。Enclosed is our latest catalogue.

附上一张十英磅的收票。A check for ten pounds is enclosed.

随信附寄个人简历一份。Enclosed please find a brief resume.

他用树篱围起他的花园。He enclosed his garden with a hedge.

附信附上一套样品。A set of samples is enclosed herewith.

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随附一份我方的56号售货通知。Enclosed is a copy of our Sales No 56.

我已将本月报表做完,请查收。Enclosed please find this month's PNL.

随书附寄账单一张。A book was sent with the bill enclosed.

它同样以涵道桨为特色。It also featured an enclosed tail rotor.

所有的村舍都被绿树所包围。All cottages are enclosed by green trees.

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一堵高墙将花园围起。The garden was enclosed with a high wall.

随函寄上历简表及相片各一份。Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.

随函寄上简历表及照片各一份。enclosed please find a resume and a photo.

兹随函附上价目表一份,请查收。Enclosed you will find a copy of pricelist.

种子密封在一个张扬囊肉。Seed enclosed in an obtrusive sac of flesh.

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平面图是一个由封闭的直线或曲线构成的区域。Shape is an area enclosed by lines or curves.

这座房子四周围着一道很高的砖墙。The house is enclosed with a high brick wall.

这个封闭的小屋子如此狭促,想抽烟都腾不出地方。All enclosed places are too small for smoking.