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许多医学中心已戒烟诊所。Many medical centers have smoking cessation clinics.

这些明确的研究结果促使研究提前结束。These clear findings prompted early study cessation.

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第一,决议要求全面停止敌对行动。First, it puts in place a full cessation of hostilities.

让我们一起与苏施黄分享戒烟经验!Let's share with Suzi Wong on her smoking cessation experience!

从无想无非想界,进入到想受止息状态。Emerging from that, he entered the cessation of perception &feeling.

止息一切不应有的妄念,令心专注于一境。The cessation of all undue school, so that focus on a heart habitat.

西酞普兰和依他普仑对戒烟的效果尚不知道。Citalopram and escitalopram have no known effect in smoking cessation.

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在NF3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin.

除去诱导物就会立即终止酶的合成。Removal of the inducer results in immediate cessation of enzyme synthesis.

因此,埃塔决定永久性停止其武装活动。Therefore, Eta has decided the definitive cessation of its armed activity.

毘婆舍那的利益可以断除个人的宿业或烦恼。The benefit of Vipassana is cessation of one's accumulations or defilements.

智者既不会藐视生命,也不会惧怕死亡。The wise person does not deprecate life nor does he fear the cessation of life.

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据帕坦加利,瑜伽,是心灵的修改停止。According to Patanjali , Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind.

某些药物能使呼吸变得极慢或微弱,甚至使呼吸停止。Certain drugs produce extremely slow or faint breathing or cessation of breathing.

请各同事安心,「院管理局」会因停止训练登记护士而取消登记护士的职位。Authority will not be abolished as a result of the cessation of Pupil Nurse training.

超然,巴蒂,唯一的超然,无欲无求,所有的渴望欲望停止。Detachment, buddy, and only detachment, desirelessness, cessation from all hankering.

近期的数据却表明,不吸烟和吸食无烟制品间没什么联系。More recent data, however, found no association between smoking cessation and snus use.

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但是对小潘的仇视的消释,并没有减少赫克斯特对芬妮的关心。But the cessation of his hostility for Pen did not diminish Huxter's attentions to Fanny.

目的评价安非他酮用于精神分裂症病人戒烟的有效性及安全性。AIM To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bupropion for smoking cessation in schizophrenia.

医药卫生部门已经对这批货物发出了停售通知。The medical and health department has sent out a notice about theproducts' cessation of sale.