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这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.

这样可以使W的值在0和1之间变化,包括0和1。This allows the value of W to vary between zero and one, inclusively.

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你可以假定所有的亮度值都在0到255之间。You may assume that all intensities are between 0 and 255, inclusively.

所以,你不应该将其从您的饮食含作为计划的第一步。So you should not remove it from your diet inclusively as the first step.

我公司拥有高品质的商业级摄影器材。后期处理全部由苹果电脑完成。A case in point, Apple computers are inclusively used for post-production in our company.

她深情地吻了一下沃洛佳,似乎并没注意到克斯特亚,直到沃洛佳转身对着他的方向把他也包括进来。She kissed Volodya affectionately, and seemed to take no notice of Kostya until Volodya turned inclusively in his direction.

但是运河唯一设计不足的是,轮椅专用通道较少,通道地砖不平整,夜晚通道的光线不够亮。Less inclusively designed than it could have been, the canal has limited wheelchair access, uneven paving, and insufficient nighttime lighting on the access steps.

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在图像的采集、获取、编码和传输过程中,所有的图像均不同程度地被可见或不可见的噪声“污染”。During the collection, acquisition, coding and transmission of the images, they are all inclusively polluted by the noise that can or can not be seen on different degrees.

投资专案以综合食品为核心,主要的事业群均已取得优秀成绩,在即将投入的各项事业也将奋力搏进,取得市场占有率名列前茅的地位。The core of our investments is food inclusively. As we strive to keep our leads for the existing main businesses, we also work toward market dominance for our new investments.

发展中国家只有坚持自己优秀的文化传统,大力吸收西方文明的优点,兼容并蓄,才能找到适合自己的现代化之途。So developing countries can find their own way towards modernization only by adhering to their own outstanding cultural tradition as well as taking in the advantages of western culture inclusively.