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被帆船或是商船遇见。By frigate or by merchantman.

有一艘护航舰被鱼雷击中。A frigate was struck by a torpedo.

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那艘护卫舰开向公海。The frigate made for the open sea.

那艘护航舰现在一家英国造船厂中建造。The frigate is on the stocks in a british yard.

那艘护卫舰上的海员可以有录像带!The sailors on that frigate have video cameras!

五十五面旗子在微微沉没的战舰上自在的飘荡。Fiftyfive flags freely flutter from the floating frigate.

你是否曾有过开着艘护卫舰经过他人战列舰的亲身经历?Have you ever flown past a battleship in your modest frigate.

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这是艘新型的护卫舰,具有很强的军事打击力。This is a new type of frigate with strong power of military attack.

相似的柴油引擎为法国拉菲特级护卫舰使用。The similar diesel engine is used by the French La Fayette class frigate.

国防分析家说,该计划被称为TF-2000,或21世纪土耳其护卫舰。The program is dubbed the TF-2000, or Turkish Frigate for the 21st Century.

作为所有种族里最多变化的舰种,护卫舰的实力往往被低估了。Widely underrated, the frigate is the most diverse range of ships for any race.

快速战舰向私掠船的船首上空发炮警告,命令她停航。The frigate fired a warning shot across the privateer's bows to make her heave to.

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六名索马里海盗在亚丁湾被“卡尔斯鲁厄号”护卫舰上的士兵俘获。Six Somali pirates were captured by sailors of the frigate Karlsruhe in the Gulf of Aden.

此前有报道称,7月下旬一艘中国军舰与一艘刚刚离开越南的印度海军护卫舰发生过对峙。This follows reports of a Chinese vessel confronting an Indian Navy frigate off Vietnam in late July.

对中国下一代护卫舰的研制工作据信开始于90年代初。Development of China's next generation frigate programme is believed to have begun in the early-1990s.

3月26日,中国在六方会谈上的盟友朝鲜用鱼雷袭击了一艘韩国军舰,造成46名船员丧生。On March 26 China's ally of six decades, North Korea, torpedoed a South Korean frigate and killed 46 sailors.

土耳其海军研究所为该国第一艘国产计划护卫舰进行设计。The Navy's Turkish Naval Institute is working on the design, the country's first homegrown plan for a frigate.

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一项国际调查认定,韩国天安舰是被北韩鱼雷攻击后沉没的。An international investigation concluded that the South Korean frigate Cheonan was attacked by a North Korean torpedo.

一只大军舰鸟和一只白尾热带鸟在香港最南端的蒲台岛附近现踪。The birds, a great frigate and a white-tailed tropicbird, were both spotted around Po Toi, Hong Kong's southern most island.

在1964年7月11日,6605型“长辛店”、“沙家店”号扫雷舰和一艘01型“衡阳”号护卫舰拦截台湾海军的一艘“满庆升”号运输舰。On 11 July 1964, a Type 6605 minesweeper and a Type 01 frigate intercepted a small transport Manqingsheng of the Taiwanese Navy.