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适者生存。Those that naturalize would live.

他的梦想是把靛青移植到法国来。His dream was to naturalize indigo in France.

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伟大的帝国超越于它们的固有文化,把它们需要的文化纳入到它们自己的范畴中去。Great empires transcend national culture and naturalize the culture they require.

从前你生入了狗的国,但是我要把你归化进入猫的国。You were born into the dog kingdom, but I want to naturalize you into the cat kingdom.

这意味着欧盟国家同化外来移民的任务任重道远,在控制外来移民方面仍面临着艰巨的挑战。This means an task and demanding challenge to the Union's member countries to naturalize and control immigrants.

联邦有权授予美国国籍及解决某类法律争端。The federal courts also have authority to naturalize persons as U. S. citizens and to settle certain legal disputes.

因此,蒯因的语意自然論立场究竟是一种语意的取消論、亦或是一种语意的倾向化约論,并非十分清楚。It does not seem entirely clear whether Quine attempts to eliminate meaning, or to naturalize meaning by reducing it to dispositions.

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它将文化和社会的建构自然化,同时通过对自然的表现阐释人为的关系。Such images naturalize social and cultural constructions, and at the same time, may serve to interpret the relationships of the human realm.

沙特馆共需要150棵枣椰树,虽然可以通过海运从沙特长途引进,但由于枣椰树对环境非常敏感,引种成功的难度非常大。Although they can be transported by sea from Saudi Arabia, as the date palm trees are extremely sensitive to the environment, it will be very hard to naturalize them.

近年来,随着工业化、城市化进程的发展,城市居民对释放心理压力、回归大自然的需求愈发旺盛。In recent years, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the demand of urban residents for pressure release and naturalize has become greater and greater.

书中讲到西班牙裔的墨西哥人打算把加利福尼亚州归化为自己的地方,于是一个男孩处理了此事的故事。It speaks of hispanic-mexican who are planning to naturalize California as their own place, and then describes in detail how the male protagonist, Roldan Castanada, attempts to deal with this matter.