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滴定管用于液体滴定。A buret is used to titrate liquids.

这种二指操作法难度大。It is difficulty to operate the basic buret.

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要用石腊膜保护滴定管的塑胶头。Use parafilm to secure the tip of the buret.

首先在滴定管中加入一定体积的液体。The buret is filled with a specified volume of a liquid.

操作碱式滴定管是用拇指和食指。The basic buret is usually operated bY thumb and forefinger.

细小液滴。要用石膜保护滴定管的塑胶头。Of solution to drop from the buret. Use parafilm to secure the tip of the buret.

因此,我建议用拇指、食指和中指操作。So I suggest that operate the basic buret with thumb, forefinger and middle finger.

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的液体慢慢出可以减少液体黏在管壁的情况。Drainage. The tendency of liquids to stick to the walls of the buret can be diminished by.

塑胶头会帮助滴定管滴出细小液滴。The plastic tip helps in the formation of small droplets of solution to drop from the buret.

估计一下在秤量,使用滴定管和确定终定位置的不确定度。Mean. Estimate what you think the uncertainty is in weighing, using the buret , and in endpoint location.

通过数理统计的方法,将微型碱式滴定管与常规碱式滴定管平行测定结果进行了比较。The parallel determination results were compared with those obtained from the conventional buret by mathematical statistics methods.

高级的滴定管都有一种抽液功能使它们每次在滴定完毕时可以很精确地将滴定液加到精确的刻度。High-quality buret have a venting-mechanism with which they can be very easily refilled with the exact volume for which the buret is calibrated.