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应用激光多普勒血流仪检测马尾神经血流量。The blood flow of cauda equina was measured with laser Doppler flowmeter.

目的探讨提高马尾神经损伤的手术治愈率与方法。Objective To improve the therapeutic effect of cauda equine injury with microsurgery.

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结果表明,成年大鼠附睾钙调素的分布从头段至尾段存在差异。The immunoreactivity found in the adult epididymis varied from the caput to the cauda.

如果肿瘤未发生在马尾神经根附近,手术切除将非常容易。Surgical removal is made easier if this tumor has not grown around nerve roots of the cauda equina.

病变形式变化较大,可以是蛛网膜浸润、马尾包绕、结节样改变。The pathology can vary from arachnoid infiltration, coating of the cauda equina, or nodular deposits.

“紧急制动频闪”是防止追尾既经济又行之有效的的一项功能。"Emergency brake stroboscopic" is to prevent tracing cauda both economical and effective of a function.

犬马尾和骶神经根的解剖特征与人类不同。There are some difference in anatomical character of cauda equina and sacral roots between dog and human.

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由于椎板是完整的,滑移甚至只是轻微的进展都将导致马尾受压。As the neural arch is intact, even a small progression in the slip can result in cauda equina compression.

①目的探讨马尾圆锥肿瘤的临床及手术特点。Objective To explore the clinical features and surgical findings of cauda equina and conus medullaris tumors.

目的为距骨尾命名提供科学依据并研究其骨折的临床意义。Objective To provide scientific evidence for the name of talar cauda and study its clinical significance of fracture.

术后第10日的探查手术证实封闭剂导致硬膜切开处邻近部位的马尾受压。Exploration on postoperative day 10 revealed sealant causing cauda equina compression proximal to the site of the durotomy.

急行L2椎板切除、硬膜内占位性病变移除和马尾减压。An emergency L2 laminectomy was performed for removal of intradural space occupying lesion and decompression of cauda equina.

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秋风徐徐吹来,扎起的马尾、盘起的发髻可以放下来,让秀发得到解放。Autumn wind blowing gently, Zhaqi of the cauda equina, disk can be played by the hair down and let the hair have been liberated.

马尾受压综合症的临床症状是非特异性的,单侧肢体轻偏瘫、下腰部疼痛、感觉异常、步态不稳。Symptoms are nonspecific with cauda equina syndrome, monoparesis, radicular or low back pain, paresthesias, and gait disturbances.

圆锥马尾损伤组多为不完全性损伤,故而逼尿肌括约肌协同失调的发生率较低。The cauda equina injury group showed a lower incidence of detrusor sphincter because most of these patients were incompletely injured.

结果腰骶部各节段的前根漂浮在脑脊液中下行,与后根一起构成马尾神经。Results The nerve roots within the lumbar dural sac were arranged loosely with the sacral and coccygeal nerve roots to form the cauda equina.

结论电针可显著改善马尾神经损伤所致慢性尿潴留患者的排尿功能。Conclusion Electroacupuncture can markedly improved the urinary voiding function in patients with chronic uroschesis due to cauda equina injury.

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本文报告一例很罕见的马尾副神经节瘤,一位74岁男性,罹患长期间歇性下背痛,为期20年之久。We present a patient with an unusual paraganglioma of the cauda equina region. This 74year-old male had chronic low back pain for about 20 years.

本文报告测定大鼠附睾头部,体部及尾部精子中的肉毒碱。In the present study, the concentrations of carnitine in the spermatozoa taken from the epididymal caput, corpus, and cauda of rats were measured.

另选10例旁中央型椎间盘突出症经手术证实者作对照,这10例仅有腰痛及坐骨神经痛,而无鞍区的症状和体征。The other 10 central lumbar disc herniation cases were chosen as control group with low back pain and sciatic nerve pain but cauda equina symptom.