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别担心,我们不会就这个问题喋喋不休的。Don't worry, we won't belabor this topic.

我们不会就理论和背景做太多的论述。We won't belabor the theory and background.

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他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor.

我们不会反覆讨论这个观点,而仅是希望每个人去仔细考量它。We would not belabor this point but only wish each to ponder it.

还是祷告,让他们的困境消失?或者祷告,他们能有勇气走过困境?Or should I pray for courage to carry on through the difficulties that belabor them?

我知道大家都很熟悉“安全申明”,在此我就不赘述了。I know you all are quite familiar with the Safe Harbor Statement, so I won't belabor this slide.

我们不需要去赘述那三人性关连不一致这点。We need not belabor the point that the sexual relevances of these three individuals will not coincide.

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我不想喋喋不休的向你介绍走出释放心灵的益处,这些益处无处不在。I won't belabor you with all the benefits of going out of your mind, they're thoroughly covered elsewhere.

报告不对每个审核观察情况进行长篇大论,因为这些观察情况已经在闭幕会议上提到了。The report doesn't belabor every audit observation because these should have already been addressed during the closing meeting.

我们将不在此对这些论点作过分的说明,而是解释一下那基本的不同观点在于对概率测量的含义。We shall not belabor the issues here except to note that the basic point of difference lies in the view regarding the meaning-of probability measures.