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你们加班多不多?。Do you have much overtime?

当你在连击时怎么办。What happens is you go overtime?

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你今晚要加班吗?Are you wroking overtime tonight?

你今晚加班嘛?Are you working overtime tonights.

并且可持续的生存下去。Survive and be sustainable overtime.

超课时费是多少?How much per hour for overtime worked?

不用了.谢谢.我得加班.No, thanks. I`ve got to work overtime.

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这场比赛在延长赛上有多长时间?How long has this game been in overtime?

不过没有发现强迫加班的证据。It did not find evidence of forced overtime.

我周末屏绝加班。I refuse to work overtime during the weekend.

他们对加班加点从来不抱怨。They never complained about working overtime.

熊队在延长赛里打败了虎队。The Bears defeated the Tigers during overtime.

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骑士今天在主场以97-92加时击败了开拓者。The Cavaliers beat Portland 97-92 in overtime.

明晚我可能要加班了。I might have to do some overtime tomorrow night.

公司为他加班加点的工作补偿他。The company recompensed him for working overtime.

开展本班次工作和必要时延时工作。To perform shift and work overtime when necessary.

那时套服里的冷却层肯定早就“过劳死”了。That cooling layer must have been working overtime.

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没有什么好担心的。This is how Milton's mind is working overtime here.

别忘了在公司考勤表上签上你的加班时间。Don't forget to sign your overtime on our roll book.

奥巴马似乎为了这个目标在超时加码的工作着。Obama seems to work overtime trying to do just that.