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给这里加个星号Put an asterisk by this.

星号表示参看脚注。The asterisk refers to a footnote.

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在这颗小星星符号这里。I'll draw my little star,an asterisk.

星号提示此序列为终止密码子。The asterisk indicates the stop codon.

星号指引读者去查阅脚注。The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.

所有必填的字段后面都标有一个红色的星号。All the required fields are followed by a red asterisk.

必要属性旁边有一个星号。Required properties will have an asterisk next to them.

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后面跟着的数字表示需要绣线的支数。Asterisk next to number indicates number of skeins or packets needed.

如果要将两者都声明为指针,必须要重复星号。In order to declare them both pointers, the asterisk must be repeated.

必需参数在该表的第一列中标上了星号。Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk in the first table column.

星号是一个占位符,用于在以后支持更细粒度的探测点。The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.

可以在相同配置文件中使用多个问号和星号。The question mark and asterisk can be used more than once in the same profile.

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带有星号标志的项目超出了无振动设计的保守下限。Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design.

后面跟有一个星号的插件名是那些在启动的时候就加载的插件。The plug-in names followed by an asterisk are those that were loaded during startup.

这段代码主要创建了正则表达式,其中只有一个星号。This code is focused on creating regular expressions where only one asterisk is present.

同样,星号的定制开发和部署工作已经到位。Again, much of the Asterisk customization development and deployment is already in place.

Digium刚刚推出了最新版免费开源网络电话软件Asterisk。Digium has released the latest version of its free and open source VoIP software Asterisk.

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然后,无论使用者在文字方块中输入什麽字元时,都会显示星号。Then, regardless of what character a user types in the text box, an asterisk is displayed.

但是,在文本搜索项的第一个字符中,并不支持星号通配符。An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.

我们还可见到在靠中间部位有个大的不透明区存在,为左下肺炎表现。Howeer, medially , there is a large opacity consistent with a left lower lobe pneumonia asterisk.