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酪氨酸酶是黑色素合成的关键酶。Tyrosinase is the key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis.

脂肪酸代谢是有机体的基本代谢之一。Biosynthesis for fatty acids is one of the basic metabolisms.

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武夷菌素对灰霉菌菌丝麦角甾醇的合成影响不大。However, it had no effect on sterol biosynthesis of this fungus.

特例包括红霉素和肠菌素的生物合成。Specific examples include erythromycin and enterobactin biosynthesis.

同型丝氨酸也牵涉到蛋氨酸的生物合成。Homoserine has also been implicated in the biosynthesis of methionine.

在线粒体制备中,证明有丝氨酸生物合成。This serine biosynthesis has been demonstrated in mitochondrial preparation.

图3水稻胚乳支链淀粉簇合成模型示意图。Fig. 3 A model for the biosynthesis of amylopectin cluster in rice endosperm.

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推测AOS是乙烯合成的上游调控因子之一。It suggests that AOS is one of the up stream regulators in ethylene biosynthesis.

利用继代培养愈伤组织进行细胞悬浮培养并检测黄酮的生物合成量。The biosynthesis amount of flavonoids was assayed in the callus suspension culture.

细菌核糖体是许多抗生素抑制蛋白质合成的作用点。They are the sites of action of many antibiotics that inhibit protein biosynthesis.

转氨作用是大多数氨基酸生物合成或降解中的关键反应步骤。Transamination is a key step in the biosynthesis and breakdown of most amino acids.

还可以为生物合成提供硫的储备,它可以被分解为丙酮酸。It also acts as a store of sulfur for biosynthesis , and can be broken down to pyruvate.

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记述了由特定底物的生物转化合成香精香料。Flavour and fragrance biosynthesis via bioconversion of specific substrates are described.

本文综述了微生物纤维素的性质、生物合成及其商业化应用。The microbial cellulose biosynthesis and commercial application function are re-viewed too.

乙醛酸比抗坏血酸更能作为水稻草酸合成的前体物质。Glyoxylate rather than ascorbate is an efficient precursor for oxalate biosynthesis in rice.

目的对氨基糖苷类抗生素生物合成基因的研究进展作一综述。Objective To review the studies on the biosynthesis genes of the aminoglycoside antibiotics.

异烟肼作用的主要靶标是参与枝菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids.

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本课题研究结果为提出TMC独特新颖的生物合成机制奠定了基础。The results from this study set basis for proposing a distinct pathway for TMC biosynthesis.

橡胶树乳管中与黄色体膜结合的不可溶性焦磷酸酶,是调控橡胶生物合成的一个必不可少的酶。The PPase on the lutoids of rubber tree is a crucial enzyme in regulating rubber biosynthesis.

缬氨酸是动物体内蛋白质合成的必需氨基酸,可形成许多重要蛋白质。Valine is needed for protein biosynthesis in animals and forms part of all important proteins.