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她把一块太妃糖塞进我的口中。She poked a toffee into my mouth.

她把一颗太妃糖塞进了我的口里。She poked a toffee into my mouth.

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粘乎乎的太妃糖弄得我的牙齿很不舒服。The sticky toffee made my teeth uncomfortable.

太妃糖是一种奶糖,不错,挺好吃的。But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee.

太妃糖是一种奶糖,不错,挺好吃的。Is a kind of toffee candy, good, very good food.

好的享受还是午饭过后吃枫糖太妃。The special treat was to eat maple toffee after meal.

甜蜜的奶糖和干果,与木材烟雾和香料。Sweet toffee and dried fruits, with wood smoke and spice.

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甜蜜的奶糖和干果,与木材烟雾和香料。Sweet toffee and dried fruits, with wood □□oke and spice.

它的大小跟已在生产的条状太妃糖差不多。It approximated in size to the toffee bars already being produced.

揉合浓郁的煤烟、清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉桂辛香的太妃糖气味。A beguiling mix of peat smoke, tangy lemon and lime, pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee.

小小的,甜甜的,多汁的小苹果和橘子外面包覆着一层脆脆的奶糖。Tiny, sweet, juicy little apples and mandarins coated in a light shell of crispy toffee.

酒体呈漂亮的宝石红色,富含蓝莓和熟李子的果香,以及优雅的香草及太妃糖香气。Rich ruby color with tastes of black cherry, full plum and soft vanilla and toffee notes.

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晚餐后的茉莉花茶也很可口,尝起来有点儿像太妃糖。Also the "altitude tea" I order after dinner is delish and tastes a bit like toffee candy.

后味长而持久,带出黑莓,甘草和太妃糖的味道。Long, persistent after-taste, now revealing hints of ripe blackberries, liquorice and toffee.

花生奶油太妃糖,热蜂蜜,蜂蜜烤玉米棒和卡津芝麻混合。Butter Toffee Peanuts, Hot Peanuts, Honey Peanuts, Cajun Corn Sticks, Honey Roasted Sesame Sticks.

就象外婆用传统的太妃奶糖奖励你吃了所有的热带水果。Just like granny rewarding you with a Werthers Original Toffee for eating all your tropical fruit.

我们都很喜爱我们的糖果,并且用我们祈求的眼神去说服我们的妈妈允许我们仅仅多吃一颗太妃糖。We both loved our sweets and used our pleading eyes to persuade our mothers to let us eat just one more toffee.

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要是咬了,当然第一口回味无穷,然而几口过后,不单糖没有了,味儿也荡然无存。True, the first bite was delicious, but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, neither toffee nor lust.

而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃太妃糖,而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。When I discovered that the greatestpitchhappiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at it beforehand.

水果表面的糖浆需要保持一定的粘性,这样在用筷子夹起的时候才会抽出如丝般的糖浆。The toffee around the fruit remains sticky so that when a piece is picked up with chopsticks, flossy sugar is drawn out.