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①,他禁止吸烟。He forbid smoking.

表示“禁止某人做某事”。forbid do sth.

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禁止它吧,全能的上帝!Forbid it Almighty God!

我不准你进入房子。I forbid you the house.

我禁止他这么干。I forbid Him to do that.

高墙遮断,难以接近。High walls forbid all approach.

你今天不许出击。I forbid you to make a sortie today.

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法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。No laws forbid payment to volunteers.

静态禁止多态递归。Statically forbid polymorphic recursion.

对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。Execuse me, these curios forbid to export.

我不许你责怪你自己。I forbid you to reprove and scold yourself.

跟我说实话,我禁得住打击。Tell the fact with me, I forbid live stroke.

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上帝不准我把LOL设想为“许多爱”的英文缩写。God forbid I assume LOL means “lots of love”.

难道我能直捷的说明,和阻止他的爱吗?How can I be blunt and forbid him to love me?

在第4章,他责备禁止嫁娶的人。In ch. 4 he rebukes those who forbid marriage.

秦坤爱女心切,不许麦子再去找刀锋。QinKun baby swiftly, forbid to wheat seek blade.

他父亲禁止他去宾戈游戏厅。His father forbid him entering into a bingo hall.

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我们禁止任何人在演奏厅内吸烟。We forbid anyone from smoking in the concert hall.

严禁将交流输入电源接至节电器输出端上。Forbid link alternating current to the output side.

遵守操作规程,严禁违章操作。Abide operation regulation, forbid peccant operation.