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我爱安猪。I love Andrew.

我是安德鲁·菲利浦。I'm Andrew Philips.

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安得鲁想要追求她。Andrew wanted to chase her.

你好,我是是安德鲁·詹宁斯。Hello, I'm Andrew Jennings.

安德鲁·莱德利夫做了什么呢What does Andrew Redleaf do?

安得烈那天帮了耶稣的忙。Andrew helped Christ that day.

艾伦-贝克和安德鲁-巴特森By AARON BACK and ANDREW BATSON

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西利亚纳闷地盯著安德鲁。Celia gazed at andrew curiously.

这款比基尼由安德鲁•施奈德设计而成。The designer is Andrew Schneider.

安得鲁主管一家公司。Andrew was in charge of a company.

一个小安竹在床上跳。No more Andrew jumping on the bed!

我叫安鸠·斯皮蒂,出生在英国加的夫。And I am Andrew Speedy, of cardiff.

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安德鲁·勒努瓦对本次报告作出了贡献。Andrew Lenoir contributed reporting.

你认为安德鲁是个堂堂正正的人吗?Do you think Andrew is a good sport?

安德鲁英吉完全被搞糊涂了。Andrew Engel was completely confused.

那你觉得谁最次啊?Andrew Who do you think is the worst?

这名观众名叫安德鲁。This is from Andrew at the Occasional.

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我们是安德鲁和马修,电子显微。We are Andrew Heap and Matthew Rzepka.

所以你去告诉仲天骏,不要白费力气。So tell andrew not to waste his energy.

最初是他的兄弟安得烈带领他认识耶稣。His brother Andrew brought him to Jesus.