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我们从想不到这种豆类,除非它们放在汤里。We never think of this legume unless it's in our soup.

任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle.

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矿质氮对豆类作物生物固氮和产量的影响是一个复杂的问题。Effect of mineral N on legume BNF and yield is a complex issue.

豆荚一直被南方人视为幸运的食物。The legume has been considered lucky among Southerners ever since.

在新种植园建立时必须种植豆科保护作物。Legume cover crops must be planted, when new plantations are established.

在石山地区采用矮象草与蔓生豆科牧草混播取得成功。Dwarf elephant grass pasture mixed with creeping legume successfully in karst region.

多吃豆类的东西,食品,就如最简单的豆浆。黄豆啊等等。Have the thing of legume more, food, be like the simplest soya-bean milk. Soya bean ah etc.

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是重要的豆科牧草之一,但含硫氨基酸含量较低。Is one of the most main legume forages which contain little sulphur-containing amino acids.

对三个种群的生物学、形态学等结果进行比较分析。The biology, morphology of three population legume pod borers had been comparative analysis.

在豆科牧草中,山野豌豆是一种生物量大、营养成分高且分布广泛的优质牧草。Vicia amoena is a kind of legume which has large biomass , high nutrition and large distribution.

总体上看,罗汉松属植物根瘤在形态与结构上与豆科植物的根瘤有许多相似之处。To sum up, the shape and structure of the nodule of Podocarpus plants are similar to that of legume.

豆科牧草与铁杆蒿的CP以现蕾期为转折点,禾本科牧草则开花初期CP含量较高。The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage. It happened in grasses at early blooming stage.

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这些食物一般以谷类,豆类混和为基础,为了增加能量还会加入食用油。The food is generally based on cereal and legume blends with edible oil added to increase the energy content.

为确保来自生物固氮的有效氮不限制豆科作物的产量,许多农民用根瘤菌接种他们的作物。To ensure N available from BNF does not limit legume yield, many farmers inoculate their crops with rhizobia.

说明根瘤菌对有些结瘤豆科树种的根毛具有诱导作用。All the things showed that the rhizobia could induce the root hairs on the lateral roots of some legume species.

一些报告还指出,通过矿质氮引起的豆类作物生物固氮的减少与寄主品种和有效氮的形态有关。Some reports indicate reduction of legume BNF by mineral N is dependent on host species and form of N available.

骆驼刺是一种耐盐、抗旱、蛋白质含量丰富的多年生豆科牧草。The Alhagi maurorum is a kind of salt tolerance and drought-enduring legume. The content of protein is abundant.

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2007年在山东农业大学中药材试验站栽培的药用植物草决明上发现一种新病害,定名为草决明荚枯病。A new disease named legume dieback of Cassia tora was first found in Taian of Shandong Province during 2006—2007.

豆科植物的根瘤可以从空气中固定氮气而在贫痔的土壤中生长。The root nodule of the legume plant's ability of nitrogen fixation from air makes it grow in the poor soil very well.

鉴于豆科植物的重要性和特殊性,近年来国际上发起将蒺藜苜蓿作为豆科基因组研究模式植物。By reason of forage legume significance, an international genome plan has been initiated on Medicago truncatula Gaertn.