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吸引人的课题。Fascinating subjects.

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这是相当令人着迷的。It's quite fascinating.

我觉得这很有意思。I find this fascinating.

那是一次迷人的旅行。It was a fascinating trip.

无尽的迷人。It's endlessly fascinating.

艺术,来源于小鸟般的鸣叫。太有魅力了。Art, from a tweet. Fascinating.

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盾牌座的来历很精彩。Scutum has a fascinating history.

有些人发现中国文化令人着迷。Some find the culture fascinating.

白色的面孔“,其实改得很好。This to me is a fascinating revision.

见证这种变化实在是激动人心。And this is just fascinating to watch.

蝙蝠是一种迷人的动物。I was enwrapped by the fascinating tale.

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哦,我说,听起来挺迷人的。No really, I say, it sounds fascinating.

世界上令人神往的地方比比皆是。The world is full of fascinating places.

这是一个颇有趣味的课题That's interesting, a fascinating subject.

这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜。The very style of the book is fascinating.

这两本书共同聚焦于这一广受瞩目的话题。Two books focus on this fascinating subject.

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迷人的维也纳与经济思想史Fascinating Vienna and the History of Economics

这个精妙的身体是怎么运作的How do these fascinating things around me work?

郭采洁的表演真是令人着迷啊。The performance of Amber is really fascinating.