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他是共济会中非常活跃的分子。He was very active in Freemasonry.

光明会和共济会是否同样的事情?Is the Illuminati the same thing as Freemasonry?

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他的内心不处在共济会的神秘主义方面。His heart wasn't in the mystic side of freemasonry.

电视记者、职业摄影师等的默契。The freemasonry of TV reporters, professional photographers, etc.

如今,圣殿骑士已经成为共济会的一个分支的名字。Today, the Knights Templar is the name of a branch of Freemasonry.

于是他开始向安德烈公爵叙述他所了解的共济会。And he began expounding to Prince Andrey freemasonry , as he understood it.

共济会似乎在十八世纪初叶在欧洲开始发展。It seems that Freemasonry developed in Europe in the early eighteenth century.

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很快,它已渗透到所有的欧洲收取,并接着到美国。Soon it had infiltrated all of the European freemasonry and it then went on to America.

九枪八对张玉成心生爱慕,那五常也和张玉成惺惺相惜。The nine gun eight Zhang Yucheng heart to love life, the Wuchang and Zhang Yucheng Freemasonry.

在这个原则是否学会,自由的弥漫其影响力,向世界人类。On this principle does the Institution of Freemasonry diffuse its influence to the world of mankind.

富兰克林是共济会的成员,被选为英国皇家学会院士。Franklin was a member of Freemasonry , and was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of the United Kingdom.

有时他仿佛觉得,共济会,至少是他在此地所熟谙的共济会只是基于表面形式而已。Freemasonry , at least as he knew it here, seemed to him sometimes to rest simply upon formal observances.

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这种设计是创造于1791年,在共济会取得新世界秩序的领导后几年的1782年。This design was created in 1791, a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782.

济指的原则,机构和做法的兄弟为了自由和接受泥瓦匠。Freemasonry refers to the principles, institutions, and practices of the fraternal order of the Free and Accepted Masons.

事实上,在我家庭中和共济会上层的两代间的联系也没什么帮助。The fact that there's been an intergenerational link with the higher ranks of Freemasonry in my family hasn't been of help either.

透过混合共济会和蔷薇十字会主义的神秘科学,而同时阴谋达成精确的政治目标,光明会成为了世界舞台上的演员。By mixing the occult sciences of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism while conspiring to achieve precise political goals, the Illuminati became an actor on the world stage.

他根本不想怀疑共济会本身,但是他怀疑,俄国共济会在沿着一条错误的道路走下去,它已经背离自己的本源。He never dreamed of doubting of freemasonry itself, but began to suspect that Russian freemasonry had got on to a false track, and was deviating from its original course.

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圣经上的这些记载,也是大量传说和共济会组织的基础,利用庙宇建筑物作为一个事件的背景和精神指导的隐喻。These accounts in the Bible are also the basis for much of the legend and lore of Freemasonry , which uses the construction of the Temple as a backdrop and metaphor for moral instruction.

他坚信,人们在通往美德的途中,以互相扶持为目的而和衷共济是切实可行的,他想象中的共济会就是如此的。He firmly believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of man, united in the aim of supporting one another in the path of virtue. And freemasonry he pictured to himself as such a brotherhood.