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我瞥了他一眼。I glance at him.

我看了她一眼。I gave her a glance.

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我一眼看见了一万朵。Ten thous saw I at a glance.

她偷看了马丁一眼。She stole a glance at Martin.

他稍稍一瞥,景物尽收眼底。His glance embraced the scene.

我看到我的妻子瞥了我一眼。I saw my wife glance up at me.

我只一瞥,千朵万朵,争奇斗妍。Ten thousand saw I at a glance.

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她色迷迷地瞟了卡罗一眼。She threw Carlo a sultry glance.

那头牛投出好奇的目光。The bull casts a curious glance.

他看了一眼大标题。He cast a glance at the headlines.

她的眼中闪现出一丝阴郁的目光。Her eyes flashed a shading glance.

俺向她们投去警告性地一瞥。I flashed a warning glance at them.

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没有时间回顾,美人儿的明眸。No time to turn at Beauty's glance.

成为团队合作的心照。Become a glance of team cooperation.

他从右到左扫视了一下。His glance swept from right to left.

乍一看,我们会这么想。That's what we look at first glance.

耶尔迅速而机警地看了他一眼。Yale shot him a quick, shrewd glance.

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他的目光盯住那一点不动。His glance stayed posited on the spot.

我刚刚看了一眼要目。I just cast a glance at the headlines.

欧比万和阿纳金互相交换了个眼神。Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged a glance.