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它是如何创造一个可触摸图像的呢?How it Creates a Touchable Image

这才是可以触摸的奢华。All these are touchable luxuries.

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阴影是可触的藻草。Shadows are touchable water weeds.

这本书里有你需要的材料。This book contains the touchable you need.

玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable.

我地马上会推出更加多噶桌游娱乐活动噶啦!Our Table Fun, Our Touchable Friendship! Here, Your Another Home!

也许你我只是过路擦肩缘,却错误的驻足了一个神话的驿站。Might we have no fortune but take a wrong stop raise a touchable dark mythical legend.

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大树的枝叶在建筑内外自由穿越,成为触手可及的亲密伙伴。The branches and leafs of the trees traverse the building freely and become touchable friends.

注意观察图中触摸屏上可触摸控制部件的尺寸,以及文字的使用提示信息,这些都增强了交互体验。Note the finger-sized regions devoted to touchable areas on the screen and use of text hints to reinforce the interactions.

还有漂亮的,可爱的插图。这本书可以帮助小朋友们探究周围的世界,和发现自然界的颜色。Illustrated with spectacular, touchable foils , this book helps children explore the world around them and discover the colors in nature.

拱型桥表面的铸铁文字,将古代文人在惠州留下的非物质的文化财富有机地转化为真实、可视、可感的物质形态。The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real, visible, and touchable materials.

希望将话语和造型之间、想象与语言之间的关系呈现为可理解和可感觉之间的关系。We hope the relationship between speaking and figuring, imagination and language can be a relationship between understandable and touchable.

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读到这么诚挚的信让我觉得很感动,和你的真诚比起来,其他一切都是那么的黯然失色。It's very touchable to read such a letter of true heart, which would make other things amount to nothing in comparison with your genuine emotion.

馆内陈设的互动展品、飞行模拟器及一块游人可触摸的月球岩石是该馆深受青少年欢迎的原因之一。Interactive exhibits, flight simulators and a touchable moon rock are some of the reasons the Air and Space Museum is a big favorite with youngsters.

西门子人机界面液晶触摸屏控制,可控制进出口温度、气流、空气压力、自动疏通阻塞频率和流量等。Using Simens touchable interface display operation, operator can control temperature, airflow volume, air pressure, pump speed and de-blocker frequency.

人机界面液晶触摸屏控制,可控制进出口温度、气流、空气压力、自动疏通阻塞频率和流量等。Using proface touchable interface display operation, operator can control temperature, airflow volume, air pressure, pump speed and de-blocker frequency.

实验证明改罩之后的可靠性和EMC没有影响,但是不符合电气安全要求。The reliability and EMC of improvement of the holder have been tested to be no influence, but the electric safety may be no compliance for live part touchable.

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这里的资源意义也很广泛,不仅是指物质的资源,如钱,身体,矿产,森林……等看得见摸得着的资源!The meaning of resources in here is rather wide as well. It not only includes materials, such as money, body, minerals and forests that are visible and touchable.

现有游标深度尺的功能单一,对测量基准面无法直接触碰的深度尺寸难以精确测量。Currently available vernier depth gauges are simple in measuring function, especially in measuring precisely the no touchable directly depth of the measuring datum plane.

借用雕塑的空间可视、可触的艺术形象,从而突破摄影视觉的、静态的形式,向多维的时空心态方面探索。I wish to explore multi-dimensional space by the sculpture which is visual space and touchable art image so that it can break through the form of the photographic vision and static state.