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背景被设置在德比郡的煤矿中。The scene is laid among the collieries of Derbyshire.

现在只讲一讲德比郡的一小部分。A small part of Derbyshire is all the present concern.

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全英国没有哪一个郡比德比郡更好了。There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire.

你知道,在德比郡住了这么久的一个青年,我是不忍心说他坏话的。I should be sorry, you know, to think ill of a young man who has lived so long in Derbyshire.

德比希尔因设想到布什可能在中欧强行实施民主而批判他。Mr Derbyshire also thwacks Mr Bush for imagining he could impose democracy on the Middle East.

诺丁汉、莱斯特和南部德比根本没派代表出席会议。Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and South Derbyshire did not send any delegates to the conference.

在上周卖掉罗克-圣克鲁兹和马特-德比希尔只有阿勒代斯大约有1300万英镑的转会资金。Allardyce has around �13million to spend after selling Roque Santa Cruz and Matt Derbyshire this week.

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德比郡与其辉煌的山峰国家公园是个全家可参观的绝好地方。Derbyshire and its glorious Peak District National Park is a wonderful place to visit for the whole family.

此次诱捕行动是北德比郡为期一月的警方行动的一部分,旨在打击严重犯罪。The sting was carried out as part of a month-long campaign targeting serious crime across north Derbyshire.

这个古老的习俗在德比郡各处都十分受欢迎,据说起源于凯尔特人时代,甚至更早。This ancient custom is popular all over Derbyshire and is thought to date back to the Celts or even earlier.

除了糖果抽样品尝外,他还要监督该公司在德比郡新米尔斯生产厂的糖果开发。As well as sampling the sweets, he will also monitor their development at the company's factory in New Mills, Derbyshire.

伯爵把苏格兰女王带到了特伯利城堡,一座位于德贝郡和斯塔福德郡边界的古老灰塔。The Earl brought the Queen of Scots to Tutbury Castle, an ancient grey tower on the borders of Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

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于是女王就坐在德贝郡的大雨之中,直到伯爵找来工人挖走了所有组成黑白格子的大理石。The Derbyshire rain came down and the Queen waited until the Earl brought workmen to dig up the squares of black and white marble.

据我看,我们离开德比郡的第二天,达西就动身赶到城里来找他们了。From what I can collect, he left Derbyshire only one day after ourselves, and came to town with the resolution of hunting for them.

英国德比郡的警察们给这些在逃数月的嫌犯们写了一份免费领取啤酒的信件,于是乎,有19位倒霉蛋被抓到了。Derbyshire police said the suspects were detained after officers wrote to a group of people who had evaded arrest for several months.

正如女王预料的那样,这一切都传到了伯爵夫人耳朵里,然而在她那张德贝郡特产的宽阔脸庞上却看不出一丝恼怒的痕迹。Word reached the Countess of what was happening, as the Queen knew it must, but no sign of anger appeared on her broad Derbyshire face.

我相信每一个访问过这个没被污染的伊玛小村庄的人,都会被350年前发生在这里的悲烈故事所感动。It's impossible to visit this unspoilt Derbyshire village and not be moved by the tragic events that took place here almost 350 years ago.

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嘉丁纳太太走了以后,对伊丽莎白和德比郡她那位朋友的事,还是糊里糊涂,从当初在德比郡的时候起,就一直弄不明白。Mrs. Gardiner went away in all the perplexity about Elizabeth and her Derbyshire friend that had attended her from that part of the world.

嘉丁纳太太走了以后,对伊丽莎白和德比郡她那位朋友的事,还是糊里糊涂,从当初在德比郡的时候起,就一直弄不明白。Mrs. Gardiner went away in all the perplexity about Elizabeth and her Derbyshire friend that had attended her from that part of the world.

他既然摆起那么一副讨人嫌惹人厌的面貌,那么,不管他在德比郡有多大的财产,也挽救不了他,况且和他的朋友比起来,他更没有什么大不了。and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend.